Always been yours

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Krishna was busy as he finally opened up his cafe. Customer started to come as Khala Agrima, and Krishna was handling the kitchen. As Vijay was welcoming the customer as Rohan was taking orders. Y/n on her way to home she comes by the cafe. She saw everyone was busy, so she goes inside the kitchen. Krishna is also busy cooking.

Y/n - Oh my Krishna is working hard.

Krishna - First day I didn't think there would be that many people.

Y/n - Do you need my help? (I put my bag on the counter.)

Krishna - That would be great. But first put an apron.

Y/n - Okay. (I put the apron and tie up my hair.)

Krishna - You are looking cute in that apron.

Y/n - Hey! We have to focus on the cooking.

Agrima - Now both of you stop talking and start working.

Y/n - Yes Khala but this Kanha can be unbelievable sometimes.

Krishna - It is not my fault that you are so distracting.

Y/n - Krishna! No more talking.

Rohan - Is the order already done? I have new orders.

Agrima - Yes, it's almost done.

Everyone was busy but it is a good thing. Krishna cafe finally got started and filled with costumer. Now all costumers left, and y/n send the employees to home because today they really work hard so they need some rest. Now only Krishna and y/n was in the cafe. Y/n was putting jars back to its place they are almost done. Suddenly Krishna put something on y/n cheeks.

Y/n - What are you doing now?

Krishna - You look like a cute bunny with flour on your cheeks.

Y/n - Krishna don't do this. I am really feeling tired.

Krishna - Okay tell me what should I do to get rid of your tiredness?

Y/n - Just get this over with and go back to home.

Krishna - But you would go back to your home, and I will go back mine.

Y/n - Yes. Where else you want to go then?

Krishna - I want to go where you and I will be together.

Y/n - Soon our home also will be the same.

Krishna and y/n after closing the restaurant they left for home. Krishna holds y/n hand as she smiled at him than they saw Arjun.

Y/n - Hey Arjun, where are coming from?

Arjun - I had some work, today was really a busy day.

Y/n - I think it was for everyone. Today Krishna cafe was also so busy.

Arjun - Busy? Is Krishna cafe already opened up.

Krishna - Yes today was the first day and it was quite crowded in the first day.

Arjun - I missed it. I almost forgot.

Y/n - It's alright. You can visit anytime.

Arjun - You two really look tired. I can only imagine.

Krishna - It was tiring in the first day.

Y/n - You indeed work hard today but soon you will get used to it.

Arjun - Maybe you need more people to help you with the restaurant.

Y/n - For now, I think just four of them is enough to handle it.

Arjun - Tomorrow I will sure visit. Since it's my off day.

Next day as Arjun said he come by the restaurant. Y/n wasn't there and because it's morning that's why the cafe also is not that busy. So, Krishna and Arjun were talking with each other. Suddenly those eyes fall on the door they saw y/n talking with a guy. They were laughing with each other. Krishna stands out from his chair and walk toward y/n and Arjun also followed after him, but that guy already left.

Y/n - Arjun you are here. (Why was Krishna starting at me like that?)

Krishna - Who was the guy you were talking to?

Y/n - Oh that guy just wanted to know the direction.

Arjun - He could have just look at the map in his phone. I am sure he just wanted to talk to you.

Y/n - Who knows? Anyway, so what plan do you have for today, Arjun?

Arjun - Not much maybe relax at home and watch some movie.

Y/n and Arjun started to talk with each other. They were laughing but Krishna remains quiet the whole way of the conversation, he was giving y/n his long stares. Soon Arjun left, y/n understand Krishna wouldn't talk until she does.

Y/n - I thought today I will go out with Krishna, but it seems like he doesn't want to.

Krishna - I never said that. (She looks at me with a smile. I again fall for that.)

Y/n - Oh but who will handle the restaurant then?

Agrima - I will. You two can go enjoy yourself.

Y/n - Thank you Khala. We will come back as soon as possible.

Krishna and y/n go to amusement park. There were many couples as y/n was happily seeing everything surrounding them. It catches Krishna eye.

Y/n - No matter how many times you see them. Still, you can't help but to enjoy it.

Krishna - You like those romantic gesture, don't you?

Y/n - What do you mean by that?

Krishna - You are so cute.

Y/n - Stop teasing me, look at those beautiful roses. I will choose one rose over thousands of roses.

Krishna - Wait here I will be back in a minute.

Krishna walks away as y/n was waiting for him. Suddenly he comes there get down on his knees. Pulled out a beautiful red rose.

Krishna - This beautiful rose is for my beautiful princess.

Y/n - Oh Kanha. (I take the rose with a bright smile.)

Krishna - Are my y/n is happy?

Y/n - Yes i am, receiving anything from you always brings me happy.

Krishna - So, since you accepted my rose. From now on you shall be my lover.

Y/n - Silly, I have always been yours.

Krishna stands up as y/n happily takes his hand. They headed back to the cafe.

Music of soul (Y/n x Krishna)Where stories live. Discover now