Narayan's Narayani

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Thousands of years passed, As Brahma dev one by one started to create planets. Mahadev was busy in his meditation. Vishnu dev who has been in his Yug Nidra only thinking about that divine feminine figure. He has been calling for her with his full devotion. Suddenly he felt a presence around him.

? - Narayan.

Vishnu dev opened his eyes hearing his new name. Front of him is none other than that divine feminine figure, who he has been praying for.

Narayan - Narayani.

When he said Narayani, A bright light comes from that divine feminine figure. As she takes the form which resembles lord Narayan. She had beautiful lotus face and eyes. Her feet had shape of lotus. Lord Narayan walks toward Devi Narayani a bright light surrounding them. Making them one as those soul become one connecting with one another for eternity. That's when Brahma dev reached there.

Brahma - From now on, the universe shall know Narayan's Narayani by one name. And Narayan's Narayani will always be worshipped together.

That's when first love takes place in the universe. When Narayan's Narayani become one. And those union was witnessed by Mahadev and Brahma dev.


Narayan - Why you always disappear Priye?

Y/n - Disappear? I exist in everything love.

Narayan - Priye, you know what I meant why you never stay by my side.

Y/n - Stay by your side? I live in you. In your heart.

Narayan - But I wish to see you whenever I open my eye.

Y/n - That problem can be solved.

Devi Narayani take Lord Narayan's hand and bring him front of the cosmic ocean. A divine light surrounding them as both shadows changing places taking one another place. In Lord Narayan's reflection he could see Devi Narayani and in Devi Narayani's reflection Lord Narayan can be seen. A smile appears on lord Narayan's face.

Y/n - Now whenever you open your eyes you can see me in the reflection of yours.

Narayan - You are really something Priye. But I still will miss your presences.

Y/n - That lotus you hold whenever you miss me, say my name. You will feel my presence in it.

Brahma dev created lots of planets but now he is wondering what he should create next. Because he feels like there is something that is missing. Can't seem to figure out what?

Narayan - It seems like Brahma dev is lost in his thoughts.

Y/n - Well. He is supposed to after all he is the creator.

Narayan - You do love putting others in confusion don't you Priye?

Y/n - Everyone has to find those way on those own. We can't help everyone, now, can we?

Narayan - What is it that you decided this time?

Y/n - Don't accuse me for anything, Love. I just watch with my curiosity what others will do. In which situation, which choices they will make.

Narayan - Your eyes speak everything. But do tell what you are going to do at least.

Y/n - You Will know. After all what goes unnoticed by lord Narayan.

Brahma dev decided to go to lord Narayan, Because Lord Narayan who knows everything. Lord Narayan smiled seeing Brahma dev, he also loves that confused face of others like his Narayani.

Brahma - Vishnu dev there is something that I am not able to find answers of.

Narayan - What answer are you looking for Brahma dev?

Brahma - I created lots of planets but still seems to be missing something.

Narayan - Missing? That reminds of someone.

Brahma - Devi Narayani. But she is not present here.

Narayan - Maybe the answers you are looking for are in front of you.

Brahma - I don't understand Vishnu dev.

Narayan - Why don't we go to Devi Narayani? I am sure she has answers to your questions.

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