Matsya Avatar (Jalashini)

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Great flood was about to happen, which will cause unbalance by erasing all humankind from earth. In Vaikunth Brahma dev comes with a worried look on his face.

Brahma - Vishnu dev, you have to do something. Earth needs your protection from the great flood.

Krishna - I am aware about that Brahma dev.

Brahma - Then why are you not doing anything to protect humanity?

Krishna - It is still not time for me to intervene.

Brahma - Vishnu dev if you are saying then sure there is a reason behind that.

Devi Narayani was in Prem lok hearing stories from Narad Muni. But suddenly Narad Muni saw a tense look on Mata's face. Lord Narayan comes front of them as Narad Muni greeted and excused himself. Lord Narayan goes near Devi Narayani, but she moved away. Making lord Narayan have a frown on his face.

Y/n - I know the balance of the universe is in your hand. But everyone choose those own Karm and they also have to face the consequences of those Karm. No one can escape one's deeds.

Krishna - But because of the great flood no living being will survive.

Y/n - If the great flood has come because of those Karm, then I don't think it's good idea for you to intervene.

Krishna - Priye, I am the protector of the earth. If I wouldn't help them then who will? I have to help Manu and his family, they will be the last human of this earth who will continue the race of humans.

Y/n - Those Karm will protect them.

Krishna - I can't do that. I have to intervene.

Y/n - So do I, this will become the cause of our separation.

Krishna - I know what is worrying you. That's why I want you to accompany me in my every journey on the earth. Because I can't do it without you by my side.

Y/n - My place will always be by your side. But

Krishna - But what Priye?

Y/n - Today you will take your first avatar on earth. And it will be beginning of your many journeys.

Krishna - I have to take many avatars on earth. But you will also take incarnation with me in each one of them.

Y/n - It's not going to be easy. We will be together, but separation also will happen.

Krishna - No matter what happens I will never leave your side.

Y/n - (Only if you knew it wouldn't be in your hand or neither mine. We can do nothing but watch. Times demand, destiny turn will decide everything.)


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