Form of HariHara

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Devi Narayani was busy in her Yog. That's when Lord Narayan opened his eyes from his Yug Nidra as he looked at Devi Narayani. A smile come across on his face but soon it disappeared when he heard what Devi Narayani said. Then Devi Narayani also opened her eyes.

Narayan - Priye who is this Harihara? (How come I am not aware about this person?)

Y/n - Harihara is part of me, and I am part of Harihara.

Narayan - Part of Harihara? But who is it?

Y/n - You should ask who Harihara isn't? He is nothing but he is everything. In my every existence Harihara is present.

Narayan - Is Harihara all you can talk about?

Y/n - You are the one who wish to know who Harihara is.

Narayan - I don't want to know anymore. Tell me something.

Y/n - Ask love I will answer every question of yours.

Narayan - Who is the one that stays in your heart? (I know it's me because you stay in my heart.)

Y/n - Harihara.

Narayan - Enough Narayani! If he is the one who stays in your heart, then why you are here?

Y/n - If you wish me to leave than I will.

Narayan - I never wish you to leave but it seems like you are the one who wishes to.

Y/n - Time has come for me to take my leave.

Narayan - No. (I hold back her hand stopping her from leaving.)

Y/n - Now I will only open my eyes when Harihara is present front of me.

Devi Narayani left as lord Narayan looks lost. Time has passed by as there is no sign of Devi Narayani. Lord Narayan was upset with Devi Narayani, but he missed his Shri. He wanted to bring Devi Narayani but only Harihara can make her open her eyes.

Narad Muni - Narayan's Narayani. Without Mata everything feels incomplete.

Narayan - I am not unaware about that Narad Muni.

Narad Muni - Please Bring Mata back, only you can do it Prabu.

Narayan - This time I can't, only one person can. (Priye, why left me so miserable?)

Narad Muni - Who is this person Prabu?

Narayan - I also don't know. Hope Mahadev does.

Lord Narayan left for Kailash. A smile appears on Mahadev's face seeing lord Narayan. Parvati, Gauri, Uma and Durga Greeted lord Narayan.

Mahadev - What might have brought you here Vishnu dev?

Narayan - Mahadev you already know.

Parvati - It's about Devi Narayani. She has left for so long Mahadev.

Mahadev - I know about that Parvati.

Gauri - Brother Narayan, why don't you go bring Devi Narayani back?

Uma - I am sure Devi Narayani will come back seeing you brother Narayan.

Narayan - Narayani will only open her eyes seeing Harihara.

Durga - Who is this Harihara brother Narayan?

Narayan - I also don't know. I am sure Mahadev does.

Parvati - Mahadev you know Who is this person?

Mahadev - Not only me but Vishnu dev also does.

Narayan - I do? (That's when realization come to me.)

Mahadev - Let's bring back Sister Narayani.

Mahadev and lord Narayan reach to endless universe as Devi Narayani was in her full form. Lord Narayan looked at Mahadev then both of them take form of Harihara. That was half Narayan and half Mahadev avatar. Devi Narayani opened her eyes seeing Harihara front of her. That's when Mahadev and lord Narayan take those form of Harihara, who resist in Devi Narayani heart.

Music of soul (Y/n x Krishna)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα