Unbalanced Universe

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Chakshan - I evokes you, Mata Narayani. Please appear. For the world I am a king but today who is standing in front of you just one of your devotees.

Y/n - The crown of a king is a symbol of not just his position but his wisdom too. Hope what you've come to ask of me today will match your position and wisdom.

Chakshan - I understand what you meant Mata but before asking for a boon. I need a promise from you. No one in the world, other than you and me should not know about the boon that I've asked of you. Not even lord Narayan.

Y/n - I promise you, no one other than you and I will know about this. Not even lord Narayan. Go ahead ask for whatever you want.

Chakshan - I want to take what is so dear to you Mata. I would consider myself extremely fortunate. If lord Narayan himself take birth as my son.

Y/n - So be it. I grant your wish. But remember every boon has a rule attached to it. And you are not free of the rule either. The moment you will try to interfere in destiny. That moment my blessings will no longer be on you.

Chakshan - I will make sure not to do anything to displease you, Mata.

As Devi Narayani reached Vaikunth, lord Narayan opened his eyes and smiled at her. Which she returned with a sad smile. That's when Narad Muri comes there with a worried look.

Krishna - What caused Narad Muni to be so worried?

Narad Muni - Narayan's Narayani. Mata, Rishi's has been doing Yagya but nothing is working. Now only Mata can do something.

Krishna - That land is not possible to grow it is unfruitful.

Narad Muni - But I am sure Mata can help.

Y/n - Do not worry. I will do it. Inform the Sages.

Narad Muni left to give the good news to the Rishi and Sages. Only one person is not happy with the decision.

Y/n - I must go now.

Krishna - Why those who walk with us change those paths?

Y/n - As birds are made to fly and rivers to run. So, the soul to follow those duty.

Krishna - You heard the call of a devotee. But you are taking the basis of my life away from me? You didn't think my existence is because of you?

Y/n - It is necessary for me to leave.

Krishna - When will you be back?

Y/n - When time comes. But no matter what you shall not come to me.

Devi Narayani left for the earth as she started her Yog in the forest. Time started to pass by as lord Narayan didn't see Devi Narayani. His thought was only surrounded by her. Lord Narayan restlessness made a choice that will lead him to his next journey. But it couldn't be ignored since destiny has already started to take its place. He goes to the forest where Devi Narayani was in her Yog. He put his hand front of Devi Narayani eyes but suddenly the whole universe started to shake, and a bright light came from Devi Narayani. Devi Narayani opened her eyes and was about to leave. When lord Narayan comes front of her.

Y/n - Do not get in my way, Dev.

Krishna - I waited for so long, when you will open your eyes. And you will just leave like that, without looking at me for once?

Y/n - You waited? If you have really waited for me than you wouldn't have been here, lord Narayan.

Krishna - Lord Narayan? Why are you speaking to me such a way? I am your Narayan.

Y/n - My Narayan would have listened to my words and wouldn't have come here against my wishes.

Krishna - I know but I wish to see you and I made this decision based on restlessness.

Y/n - If your restlessness is the cause why today the universe become unbalance. Then I let you go, lord Narayan.

Krishna - Narayani, what are you saying? Don't give me such a punishment.

Y/n - Since your feelings become so human like, then go take birth on earth and shall live as a mortal. Until you again find your true self as lord Narayan, my Narayan.

 Until you again find your true self as lord Narayan, my Narayan

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Even Dev and Devis was shocked by hearing Devi Narayani words. A tear falls from lord Narayan eyes as it falls on the ground and the land again started to grow. Lord Narayan takes birth as king Chakshan's son. Lord Narayan who is the preservation and balance of the universe. Now Asurs started those plans on Dev lok and on the earth.

Rukmila - Arya, what name are you going to give our son?

Chakshan - We will name our son Hari, because our son is avatar of lord Narayan himself.

In Prem lok Devi Narayani was smiling seeing her Hari. Narad Muni was also there.

Narad Muni - Narayan's Narayani. How adorable our Prabu is looking in his child form isn't he Mata?

Y/n - Indeed. He is Shri's Hari.

Devi Narayani started to play lord Krishna's flute. It had a sad tone to it. Devs and Devis can see sadness in Devi Narayani as silent tears fall from her eyes.

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