Almost lost

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Next day everything was like usual but something making y/n restless. She could feel something will happen, that's when her mother comes by the house.

Mother - Did you come up with any name? Everything is prepared for the Pujja, you don't have to worry about anything.

Y/n - We already decided to name him Ganesh.

Mother - Wonderful, what would be greater name than to be name after Sri Ganesh himself. I already talk to Pandit ji. In the evening Pujja will be held inform Krishna about it.

Y/n - It seems like you already prepared everything. What about father?

Mother - He is busy with the other preparation.

Y/n - Other what preparesion mother?

Mother - There would be held another Pujja.

Y/n - For what mother?

Mother - I am just worried for you.

Krishna - There is nothing to worry about. I will make sure of that.

Mother - Oh Krishna, how are you?

Krishna - I am fine how about you?

Mother - I am also okay. I will take my leave now.

After y/n mother left y/n walk toward Ganesh crib but her face gives away that she is again lost in her thoughts. Krishna put his hand on y/n cheeks as it made her look at him.

Krishna - What is it love? Ganesh will be okay. Nothing will happen in our watch.

Y/n - Something else is bothering me.

Krishna - Something else?

Y/n - I also don't know but something will happen that's for sure.

Krishna - Everything will be okay. Now go get ready for the Pujja.

Y/n - There is still some time left for that.

Krishna - I know but you have to focus on something, or you will again get lost in your thoughts.

Y/n - And what about Ganesh? I still have to feed him.

Krishna - I will do that don't worry. Now you should go.

Y/n - Okay but before that heat up his food.

In the evening Krishna and Y/n go to the temple where Pujja is held. Soon the Pujja started as they named those son Ganesh. In Kailash Devi Parvati and Mahadev give those son blessings. After Pujja ended, Prasad was given to everyone. Y/n mother take Ganesh from her but when she comes back Ganesh was no longer in her mother arms.

Y/n - Mother where is Ganesh?

Mother - He was right here just now.

Y/n - What do you mean right here?

Krishna - What happened y/n?

Y/n - Ganesh is missing. We have to look for him now.

Krishna - We will. (So that's what she was worried about.)

Krishna and y/n started to look around everywhere, but they couldn't seem to see any sign of Ganesh.

? - Maa.

That's when y/n heard someone call for her as she started to run toward that direction. She saw Ganesh with a woman. She takes Ganesh from that woman arms.

Y/n - Finally I found you. (I didn't even notice that i was crying at this point.)

Stranger - It's your son? I found him near by the temple. So, I thought about informing the police.

Krishna - Yes, he is our son and thank you so much.

Stranger - It's alright, next time be more careful.

Krishna and y/n go back to temple. Y/n parents is happy seeing Ganesh with them.

Mother - I really didn't thought this will happen.

Y/n - I know that it's not your fault.

Father - It was enough for today. You both should go home and take some rest.

They head back home but after entering the house suddenly Krishna takes y/n in his arms and started to carry her inside those bedroom.

Y/n - What are you doing?

Krishna - You run today so much. I don't want you to take any more step.

Y/n - Hmm how lucky am I to have such a caring husband.

Krishna - You are. But now both of you take some rest.

After some time both y/n and Ganesh fall asleep as Krishna plant a kiss on y/n forehead before lying beside her. Next day y/n was again on her usual self-happily playing with Ganesh.

Krishna - I am happy to see my y/n back to her cheerful self.

Y/n - I am happy everything is back to normal. But she will come back again.

Krishna - And she will not come back alone.

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