Curse of Devas

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In Dev lok, every Devs are worried. Because of Mahadev and Devi Shakti. They find out if Mahadev and Devi Shakti had a child it might bring the end for them. All the Devs including Brahma dev pondering over that.

Narayan - It seems like Devs are already getting worried.

Y/n - They are. But what they are planning to do might be something unthinkable.

Narayan - Unthinkable? I can feel something will happen.

Y/n - Something always happens when Devs are involved.

Narayan - But Child Born from Mahadev and Devi Shakti might disbalance everything.

Y/n - Now you also start to think about it, love.

Narayan - Priye, this is something to think about, isn't it?

Narad Muni - Narayan's Narayani. Prabu Mata what's going to happen?

Narayan - Devs only knows what they will do about this.

Narad Muni- But Prabu what if it angers Devi Shakti?

Y/n - It will depend on what they choose to ask from Mahadev.

Narayan - (I can already see through what will happen. All I could do is just sigh seeing Narayani being so relax about all of this.)

In kailash all Devs and Devis was invited. Devi Parvati, Gauri, Uma and Durga prepared Maha bhog for everyone. That's when Indra dev directly goes to Mahadev.

Mahadev - What is it Indra dev?

Indra - Mahadev, for the safety of Devs and everyone please give us a promise.

Mahadev - Promise? Ask what promise you want from me.

Indra - We want You and Devi Shakti not to have any children.

Mahadev - Then so be it.

That's when Thali falls from Devi Uma hand. All Devs and Devis could see the anger in her eyes. Devi Parvati, Gauri and Durga was also beside her. Lord Narayan just shakes his head by what Indra dev just asked for. Now everyone will feel the anger of Devi Shakti.

Uma - How could you Devs ask something like that from Mahadev?

Devs - Devi try to understand our helplessness.

Parvati - This Maha Bhog was held, so with blessing of all Devs and Devis we can have the happiness of children.

Gauri - Now there is no point of this Bhog.

Durga - How selfish Devs can be!

That's when a bright light comes as four Devi's takes form of Devi Shakti, who looked not so pleased with Dev's.

Shakti - I curse you all Devs! I, who was desirous of having a child was prevented by you and therefore, you shall be in capable of begetting children through your wives.

Devi Parvati, Gauri, Uma, Durga left from Kailash as they started those meditation in a cave. Mahadev also gets busy in his meditation in Kailash. Devs and Devis were in sorrow, they go to lord Narayan and Devi Narayani.

Surya - Lord Narayan, because of Devi Shakti curse all dev's are now unable to have any children.

Narayan - Before asking something like that from Mahadev, Indra dev should have thought about the outcome.

Indra - I know my mistake but I didn't know it will come to this.

Y/n - It is the outcome of your choice Indra dev.

Agni - Devi Narayani please help us there has to be a way.

Vayu - Devi Narayani you have solutions to everything. Please find a way for us.

Y/n - One's word can't be take back, but every problem comes with a solution.

Indra - Devi Narayani you are our only hope. I am sure you will help us out of this problem.

After Devs left Lord Narayan saw Devi Narayani was being silent. There is again something going in her mind. That she can't speak of.

Narayan - Priye, something is the matter again, isn't it?

Y/n - (I am afraid Love this solution of Devs problem might cause you pain.)

Narayan - Is this about the solution of devs problem?

Y/n - It is but No Problem can be solved without any hardship.

Narayan - Hardship? Priye what are you planning to do?

Y/n - Something that will solve everyone's problem.

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