Remain quiet

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"I may never find words enough to describe all that you meant to me. But I hope you understand those unspeakable words"

A big feast was held as lots of prince and princess were attending. Everyone was talking with each other happily. Prince Aanan sat down beside Krishnaa.

Aanan - Meet with my sister Aaradhya.

Aaradhya - Greetings Shri Krishnaa. (She is as brother told me divine and beautiful.)

Y/n - Greetings Princess of Anupa. (She excitedly holds my hand.)

Aaradhya - I will show you the whole Anupa kingdom tomorrow, I am sure you will like it here.

Aanan - Don't get too excited now, sister.

After the feast ended everyone leave for their chamber. Krishnaa also headed toward her chamber. But when she entered her chamber, there he was standing in front of her. Staring at her, like searching for answers in her eyes.

Krishna - (Why are you doing this to us? Why you are so close to me still feels like you are so far away?)

Y/n - (I know you have lots of questions but only time can answer them.)

Krishna - (I can see sadness in your eyes but why do you always remain quiet?)

Y/n - (Wish I could say why I always remain quiet.)

Krishna - (Can't you see my pain? Or you choose to ignore them?)

Y/n - (If you are in pain, then I am also in pain. We are one. When did we become two separate persons?)

Krishna - (How can you be so cruel to my heart? Not hearing this heart request.)

Y/n - (Even everything happens with my wish. Still, I can't intervene and you know that. Who can understand Shri more than her Krishna.)

Krishna - (Didn't saw my tears is your choice. No tears stayed. Every tear falls on your feet.)

Y/n - (I will still stay quiet and wait for the time when you will understand everything.)

Krishna - (You are going far away with every step you are taking. I am afraid one day it might become impossible for me to reach to you.)

Krishna left as tears fall from those lotus eyes. Aame tear falls from Krishnaa eyes. Rain started to pour walking toward the balcony. She always loved the rain, but today it felt like her own tears are falling as rain from the sky.

Next day Krishnaa was walking in the garden when she heard a sound. She knew right away it was the sound of Veena. She started to walk toward the sound where it was coming from. It was prince Aanan who was beautifully playing the Veena. Soon Balraam and Krishna also come there. Krishna saw how happily Krishnaa was listening to the music of Veena.

Krishna - Look Dua, how happily she is listening to the music of his Veena.

Balraam - Well she did always love music of Veena.

Y/n - She is finally here. (Everything now will fall into places.)

Everyone looked at the sound of someone running toward them. Aanan stopped playing Veena as he looked at the entrances. As his eyes fall on her, there was a smile on her face. Her eyes were shining seeing him.

Music of soul (Y/n x Krishna)Where stories live. Discover now