Dwarkadheesh (Grand wedding)

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"My soul will rest in your embrace. I am yours and you are mine. Together we bound ourselves with love."

They left from Indraprastha on those way to Dwarka Krishnaa had a mysterious smile. Krishna didn't understand suddenly her being like this. He looked at Krishnaa as she holds out her hand in front of him.

Y/n - Take my hand and make me yours, until the end of time.

Krishna - (Finally the day I waited for so long, I take her hand in mine, where it fits perfectly.)

As they reached Dwarka, they told everyone the good news. Everyone was happy hearing that, Krishna's Krishnaa marriage. Soon invitation was sent to other kingdoms. Whole Dwarka was decorated, finally Krishna's Krishnaa wedding will take place. Pandavas and Draupadi also arrived and from Hastinapur also Mahamahim Bhism and Mother Kunti came. King Aanan also came with queen Fadhiya. Today was Haldi, as Krishna was sitting on the hall room. Soon Krishnaa also comes wearing yellow clothes matching as Krishna's. Krishna had a smile seeing her. Soon she sat down front of him.

Subhadra - I will put Haldi on Sister Krishnaa's face first.

Arjun - Why is that? I am her Sakha, so I am the one who shall do it.

Draupadi - Then I will put Haldi on Govindh first.

Balraam - No matter who you put Haldi first. It's going to color them both.

Kunti - Alright as I am Krishna's Bua, I will put Haldi first.

As Mother Kunti put Haldi on Krishna's face at the same time Haldi also appears on Krishnaa's face. Everyone was surprised by seeing that, but Krishna's Krishnaa just smiled looking at each other. After the Haldi they were bathed as in the evening male and female were separated. There is music and dancing as henna was applied in Krishnaa's hand. In the other side man were thinking a way to enter inside but no men are allowed.

Balraam - I don't think we should do this.

Arjun - It's unfair. Why only women's are allowed?

Yuddisthir - Because Groom can't see the bride until the wedding.

Sahadev - I am not going. (It's not necessary.)

Krishna - Come on. I am the Groom you should listen to me.

Nakul - I am with you. I also want to see what is happening inside.

Aanan - What else bride is putting henna on her hand as everyone else is enjoying the music.

Bheem - I will also go it seems fun.

Nakul - You want to go only because of the food.

Bheem - Hey! Stop talking about my food.

Arjun - We are getting away from the topic. There are two choices Either we go, or we go.

Sahadev - Both are the same choices, brother.

Krishna - Yeah there are only one choice, and it's finally we all are going.

As everyone was having fun in Mehedi. Suddenly eight women appears there, who looked strange with those walking. They catch Subhadra and Draupadi's eyes. Krishnaa saw Krishna as she started to smile. It's not the first time seeing him like this. They try not to catch anyone's attention, but eight tall and big women's walking together properly didn't help much.

Subhadra - Greetings but I don't think I ever saw any of you. Can you tell me your names?

Krishna - I am Krishnaa's Sakhi.

Draupadi - And you? (Why are they looking familiar?)

Arjun - I am also her Sakhi, and all of us.

Subhadra - How come I never saw any of you? (They are looking suspicious.)

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