New generation (destruction)

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"When change is necessary. Not to change is destruction"

Years has passed as the exile of Pandavas ended. Kaanishik and Abhimanyu both was training under Balraam. Abhimanyu was happy hearing that finally he will be able to meet with his father.

Krishna - It seems like our Abhi is excited to meet with Arjun.

Subhadra - It will be first time they will meet with each other.

Kaanishik - He asks me so many questions about Uncle Arjun.

Abhimanyu- Because you saw father, but I didn't. I wonder if he will recognize me.

Y/n - Soon you will meet with him. And looking at you anyone can tell you are Sakha Arjun's son.

Abhimanyu - Like brother Kaanishik resemblances uncle Krishna?

Subhadra - Yes just like them. You also resemble your father.

In few days Arjun comes to Dwarka as he meets with his son Abhimanyu. Subhadra was happy seeing them united together. Soon Abhimanyu wedding was fixed with Princess Uttara and Prince Uttar fixed with princess Kriti of Kosala kingdom. Kaanishik wedding was fixed with Princess Aarin and Princess Aarini from Anupa kingdom, who was incarnation of his enternal consorts.

Kaanishik- Mother I also wish to take part in this war with father

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Kaanishik- Mother I also wish to take part in this war with father.

Y/n - Your father will not take place in this war, son.

Kaanishik - But mother, Uncle Arjun choosed father.

Y/n - Yes, Sakha Arjun choosed Arya but not to fight, only to able to show him the right path by staying on his side in this war.

Kaanishik - Then should i not Participate in this war?

Y/n - My brave son, if that's something you feel like doing than do so.

But when Draupadi heard Krishna said the outcome of the war, she didn't know what to do. She runs toward Krishna's Krishnaa chamber.

Draupadi- Shri Krishnaa is it really how things will end?

Y/n - How things will end? (Her desperate eyes looking for some kind of reassures. Arya have told her the result of the war.)

Draupadi - Govind told me only five Pandavas will survive and no one else will survive in this war.

Y/n - Yes Panchali. (She broke down, crying.)

Draupadi - There has to be some other way. I can't let it happen.

Y/n - There is no way out of destruction. Everything has already been decided.

Draupadi - Do I have to lose my sons? Didn't I already lose enough?

Y/n - No war can be win without any lose. Everyone will lose one way or other in this war. No one can escape one's Karm.

From Hastinapur Duryodhan and Shakuni had come to the wedding. Duryodhan's daughter also comes with her father. As Krishna's Krishnaa youngest son Kalayanin took liking toward Princess Lakshmana. Which didn't go unnoticed by Krishna.

Lakshmana - Greetings King Vasudev Shri Krishna and queen Shri Krishnaa.

Krishna- Greetings daughter.

Y/n - Greetings. You look just like your mother.

Lakshmana - Father also says that.

Y/n - I am sure he does. (Parents wrong deed sometime falls on their children.)

Lakshmana- Can't father be forgiven?

Krishna - Daughter, you forgive the one who asks for forgiveness, but your father never did.

Wedding was held as ritual has started. Everyone has given them blessings. Draupadi give them blessing with a heavy heart.

Krishna - Future happiness eats up presents happiness Sakhi.

Draupadi - You are trying to say, I should be happy knowing the end of my sons is near.

Krishna - Future happiness can't remove presents sadness. Don't try to find out the future nor think about it, Sakhi. There is no point in it, try to live in the present. Do your Karm (Duty) and let fate decide what it has store for everyone.

In court room everyone was talking about peace negotiation. Vasudev shri Krishna will be the one to go to Hastinapur with the proposal.

Draupadi - Will they accept the peace negotiation?

Krishna - We don't know. They will decide it either they accept it or not.

Draupadi - Can war be stopped with this peace negotiation? Then everyone will be okay and happy.

Krishna - This all is happening for Dharm; you can't look for happiness in it.

Y/n - It is necessary Panchali; it can't be stopped now.

Draupadi - Is war really necessary for Dharm to has its place?

Y/n - When you heard me say necessary "by any means necessary, I mean exactly that anything that is necessary to correct all unjust that happened."

Krishna looked at his Shri face as a thought comes on his mind, he was not happy seeing Kalayanin interest in Duryodhan daughter. But all he could do is sigh, and walk away.

Y/n - Don't think too much about it, Arya.

Krishna - How come I not. You know what Duryodhan going to ask for, if he made alley with Dwarka.

Y/n - You know it better then anyone else that, there is nothing we can do about it. Destruction is necessary, It will begin with Pandavas and end with Yadavas.

Krishna goes to Hastinapur with peace negotiation but as Duryodhan ego he refused and try to prison Krishna

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Krishna goes to Hastinapur with peace negotiation but as Duryodhan ego he refused and try to prison Krishna. But couldn't do it and everyone understand in the court room that Krishna is no ordinary being but divine being.

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