Until the end

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"Love in not how many days, weeks or months you have been together. It's all about how much you love each other every day"

After the end of the war everyone thought it was the end. But that's when Ashwatthama goes to the camp and killed Pandavas thinking they were five pandavas. Then he launched Brahmastra and send it toward Uttara unborn child. Krishna told him to take it back, but he didn't know how to take it back. Arjun falls on the ground crying. Draupadi broke down seeing dead body of all her sons. Vasudev shri Krishna was furious that he cursed Ashwatthama that he will roam around the earth until the end and dead shall come to every living being and free them but not to him. Most cruel curse that one can never free himself from, it was his punishment for going against the will of god.

Arjun - But what about Uttara's unborn child?

Krishna - (Swamini.)

Krishnaa took her true form and held out her fourth arm that was the ending, Mahadev's third eye and destroyed the Brahmastra. As Uttara unborn child was unharmed.

In Hastinapur Yuddhistir was crowned finally and sat on Hastinapur throne as Draupadi sat beside him as his queen. That's when Ghandhari cursed Dwarkadhish Shri Krishna.

Ghandari - Ask Devaki, your mother. She will know my pain. She has seen her six sons killed in front of her. I have seen 100 and she will be able to tell you why I am cursing you.

lotus eyed who accepted the curse of destruction of Yadav clan graceful. Krishna can never say no to a mother, Gandhari broke down crying.

Krishna - Mother i also lost my son in this war. What did i gain? Nothing. But still i don't regret my choices because i stand by whats right. Today i accept your curse, it was decided with my birth that's the way i will leave this world.

Krishna holds out his hands front of everyone saying his goodbye. He walks toward Krishnaa who was standing beside Arjun. Krishna takes Krishnaa's hand in his as they smiled at each other and walked away from Hastinapur palace. Everyone saw Krishna's Krishnaa leaving but Arjun saw Narayan's Narayani.

Dwarka down fall started right after the war. Tears were streaming down from Kamini eyes, but she couldn't do anything but to see the one she loved no longer with her. She doesn't wish to live a life where her love is not by her side. The flame front of her is rising as she was about to take another step forward, a divine voice stopped her. Front of her was Krishna's Krishnaa, they are not physically present but spiritually. They had divine light surrounding them.

Krishna's Krishnaa - It pains seeing you like this daughter. But we shall not intervene, that's why ask for a boon and it shall be given.

Kamini - Only wish that my heart has to be unite with my love Vrishsena. There is nothing else that I want.

Krishna's Krishnaa - It shall be given to you, soon after this life ends, you will unite with your love.

Kamini smiled as she embraces the death. The curse has been lifted as she takes her true form as Devi Rati and united with Kamadev. Krishna's Krishnaa knew it's only the beginning of Yadava's dynasty fall. Kaanishik wife's after his dead Aarin and Aarini with Yog they give up those body and take true form of goddesses unite with their husband Gunav dev.

 Kaanishik wife's after his dead Aarin and Aarini with Yog they give up those body and take true form of goddesses unite with their husband Gunav dev

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Vasudev Shri Krishna who sat on his throne Krishnaa by his side. Everything was okay as Krishna was talking about court affairs with officers, until a shout was heard from the hall that was coming toward the court room. Krishna had a displeased look as his son Kairabh and Kalaynini having another disagreement. Dismissing the court, Krishnaa was not pleased with this either. Balraam tries to calm down the situation but couldn't.

Krishna - This is no way to enter the court room.

Kalayanini - Then tell brother not to interfere matter that doesn't concern him.

Kairabh - You were literally disrespecting me, Kalayanini!

Krishna - Enough!

Whole courtroom shaken by Krishna voice. Both of his son looked at the ground, first time seeing those father raising his voice at them.

Krishna - I have already cried for the lose of my children once. I do not wish to do the same again.

Krishna stormed out from the court room, Krishnaa sign getting up from the throne. Balraam getting worried because of this sudden change, but it was just the start.

Balraam - Kanha.

Y/n - Don't worry Dua, I will check on him.

Krishnaa left from the court room following after Krishna. He sat down on the garden, playing his flute. It had sad tone to it. She put her head on his shoulder as tears fall from both of those lotus eyes.

Y/n - It's time.

After the end of Mahabharat it was 36 years as Gandhari curse fall on Yadavas dynasty. End of Yadavas as Whole Dwarka sink under the ocean, where it once risen from. Balraam and Revati have given up those body by Yog.

Krishna was laying on Krishnaa's lap and he was playing his flute. Suddenly Krishnaa winced in pain, an arrow shoot on Krishna's feet. A hunter comes from inside the forest and asks for forgiveness, but Krishna told him not to ask for forgiveness. It was decided this is how he and his Shri will exit the earth. Hunter left with teared eyes. Krishna looked at Krishnaa both of them left those body.

 Krishna looked at Krishnaa both of them left those body

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They take those real form Narayan's Narayani. Narayan held out his hand as Narayani takes it. A bright light surrounded around them.

In Hastinapur Arjun was seating on his chamber when he saw a peacock feather flow by that reminds him of Krishna's Krishnaa. Krishnaa smiling face and her being so mysterious how she always wears peacock feather in her hair just like Krishna wear in his crown. Suddenly he felt a pain in his chest and a screaming was heard it was coming from Draupadi chamber. As all Pandavas goes to check on her, she looked at them with tearing eyes. That's when Arjun understands what happened.

Draupadi - They left. (As tears started to fall from my eye's.)

That's the day Krishna's Krishnaa left from the earth, but they will always stay in everyone's heart as a form of love. The heart of Vrindavan, those Raas-leela will always be remembered by Gopis and Gopals.

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