Ganga rebirth

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King Bhagirath's ancestors were unable to travel to Pitri Lok due to some Pap(wrong deeds). The only way to free them was with the help of Devi Ganga's water. Devi Ganga appeared before him and asked Bhagirath for a boon. He explained the misery of his ancestors. Ganga agreed to help him. However, she has to take rebirth and someone who can control her flow. Otherwise, the earth will be destroyed by her powerful flow in her goddess form.

Bhagirath - Brahma dev what should I do now? How do I fulfill what Devi Ganga asked for?

Brahma - There is a way for Bhagirath to fulfill what Devi Ganga asked for.

Bhagirath - A way? What is it?

Brahma - Do penance of Mahadev and Devi Narayani. With Devi Narayani's energy, Devi Ganga will take rebirth and Mahadev can control her flow.

Bhagirath obeyed Brahma dev's order. After the penance, Mahadev and Devi Narayani agree to help. Devi Ganga ascended from Dev Lok and emerged into Devi Narayani. As energy comes from Devi Narayani as Devi Ganga takes rebirth. She flows down from Mahadev's Jata to Prithvi lok.

Brahma - From now on Devi Ganga will also know, as Devi Narayani's daughter who takes birth from her energy, and Mahadev who let Ganga flow from his Jata will know from now also as Gangadhar.

Narayan - So, finally Ganga take rebirth on earth.

Y/n - Her rebirth has more reasons.

Narayan - What is it more than helping Bhagirath?

Y/n - To start her journey and find herself.

Narayan - Journey? So, it's not only about Bhagirath?

Y/n - You have more questions than Ganga herself.

Narayan - My Priye you are again up to something aren't you?

Y/n - Who knows?

Narayan started chasing after Narayani as she started to move away from him. On the other side, Devi Ganga is lost in her thoughts. There are questions in her mind but don't know who will answer her questions. That's when she decided to go to Vaikunth. But she didn't find anyone there, so she goes to Prem Lok. She saw how everything is so beautiful and full of joy and filled with life in Prem Lok. It was her first time there. That's when she saw Devi Narayani chased by Lord Narayan, they both looked so happy.

Y/n - Daughter Ganga help your Mata.

Narayan - Putri Ganga can't help you Narayani. Because you always love to trouble me.

Ganga - Hehe. You two look so lovely.

Y/n - Oh Ganga thank you for the compliment.

Narayan - Finally got you. (I captured Narayani in my arms.)

Y/n - I think I can't run anymore, can I?

Narayan - Not from me Priye.

Devi Ganga looked at them admiring how much they love each other. A sad smile appears on her face Devi Narayani noticed it.

Y/n - Come with me Ganga, I know you have questions that are making you restless.

Devi Narayani holds out her hand as Devi Ganga takes it and started the walk in the garden.

Ganga - Mata, love is a beautiful feeling, isn't it?

Y/n - Indeed it is, daughter. But we have to wait for it until the right person comes into our life.

Ganga - Will I be lucky enough to ever feel that kind of love?

Y/n - Everyone in this universe will feel love i one point in those life, but only if they let those feelings in.

Ganga - Sometimes it feels like I will only end up getting hurt. Should I just put walls around my feelings?

Y/n - Careful of the walls that you surrounded yourself with because they shouldn't become your own prison.

Soon Devi Ganga left for Dev Lok. Indra dev announced to invite everyone to Dev Lok. As every Devs and Devis goes there. That's when Devi Ganga's eyes fall on Mahabhishek, who also couldn't look away from her. Devi Narayani smiled at them, and lord Narayan understand what his Narayani was up to. Mahabhishek will take birth on earth in Dwapar Yug as Hastinapur king Shantanu and marry Devi Ganga.

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