Meeting Pandavas (Sahadev's wisdom)

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"We don't meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason"

Krishna's Krishnaa and Balraam, they started study under sage Vyasa in gurukul. An invitation comes from Hastinapur. It was from Krishna's Bua Kunti who wish to see her brother children. They already had return to Hastinapur from the Forest. It was when Subhadra was only few years old. Krishnaa was playing with her, but she was stopped by Mother Devaki as mother Rohini take Subhadra inside.

Y/n - What is it mother? (Where is she taking me? There Krishna standing in the corner. What is he even doing?)

Devaki - You should go with Krishna to Hastinapur.

Y/n - I am more than happy to be able to go there.

Krishna - No need. She will stay here. (She always attracts people.)

Balraam - Don't be like that Kanha. You know how much Krishnaa likes to visit new places. (It's fun to mess with Kanha.)

Devaki - Krishnaa will go. And I am sure they will also like her visit there.

Krishna - Yeah, it's more like they will like it too much.

Krishnaa got ready as next day as they left for Hastinapur. She was so excited even Krishna could see that. Soon they entered Hastinapur gate and enter the entrance of the palace. There was Mother Kunti and Pandavas. They get down from the Rath.

Krishna - Greeting's. (I hold out my hand forward.)

Krishnaa - Greetings. (I also hold out my hands. Mother Kunti comes toward me.)

Kunti - This is Krishnaa, right? (I hear about her a lot. She is just like Krishna.)

Krishna - Yes Bua. Krishna's Krishnaa. (I walk toward Pandavas as all pandavas greeted me.)

Kunti takes them inside and they are now sitting inside Pandeva's common chamber. Feast was held as everyone started to talk. Arjun sat down beside Krishnaa.

Arjun - Krishnaa why you and Madhav is called by one name? (There is something about her, can't look away.)

Y/n - Maybe because we both was born the same day.

Arjun - Krishna's Krishnaa Raas-leela in Vrindavan is famous.

Y/n - Oh prince, Vrindavan is soul of Krishna's Krishnaa.

Arjun - Just call be Arjun.

Y/n - Arjun it is then. Tell me about your life in forest.

Arjun - There is not much. But there's some stories I can tell you. (Her eyes lighten up hearing about stories.)

Arjun chuckled at her reaction as he started to tell stories to Krishnaa and Bheem was making jokes. Whole Nakul was complaining about Bheem's eating. Yuddisthir and Krishna were having a conversation. His eyes fall on Arjun and Krishnaa seeing them laughing with each other. But her eyes fall on Sahadev who was quietly eating whole reading his book. After the dinner Suddenly a hand holds Krishnaa's hand. It was none other than Krishna.

Krishna - You like to play with me, don't you?

Y/n - Right now, it's not the time. There is something else.

Krishna - What is it? (She is again lost in her thoughts.)

Y/n - Sahadev. His wisdom might stop the flow of destiny.

Krishna - He is the one who got his father Pandu's wisdom.

Y/n - He shouldn't speak of his wisdoms to anyone.

Krishna goes to Sahadev's Chamber, as he knocked on his door. Sahadev opened his door. He was surprised to see Krishna, but he invited him inside.

Krishna - There is something I want you to listen carefully and follow it.

Sahadev - What is it? I will try my best to follow it.

Krishna - I commend you to never show your wisdom to anyone. If anyone asks a question always answer it with another question.

Sahadev - But why? (I don't understand?)

Krishna - Don't ask, just follow it.

Sahadev followed Krishna's word and never speak of his wisdom. Always answer question with question. Only wise people understand how wise Sahadev was.

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