Ashok Sundari

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Dev's and Devis with Devi Narayani was enjoying themselves hearing Narad Muni stories. That's when Nandi comes there with a message as all Apsara's left from there.

Nandi - Greetings Mata Narayani, greetings Narad Muni.

Y/n - What bring Nandi to Prem lok?

Nandi - Mahadev and Devi Parvati has decided to celebrate the birth of Ashok Sundari.

Narad Muni - Narayan's Narayani, it seems like everyone is invited.

Nandi - Yes Narad - Muni you are also invited and Mata Narayani that's what I came here to inform.

Y/n - We will be there. Can't miss such an opportunity to visit Kailash.

Narad Muni - Mata when did you started to need invitation go to Kailash?

Y/n - Since the moment your Prabu give me the challenge.

Narad Muni - Challenge?

Y/n - You will see. (Today will be the last day. Let's see how long you can resist.)

Prem lok Devi's and Dev's oh by how beautiful Devi Narayani looked, Devi Narayani smiled because she did her Shingar for her Narayan. No way he can resist her today. Devi Narayani comes to Kailash; lord Narayan was already there, whose eyes was following her as every Devs and Devis was present.

Mahadev - For a second, I thought you wouldn't visit.

Y/n - Brother you call, and I wouldn't come it's not possible.

Parvati - Devi Narayani, it seems like you are too busy with your devotees.

Y/n - It couldn't be helped, seen one of my devotees is just too adorable for me to resist.

Shachi - Really but how is it, Devi Narayani?

Y/n - He always tell me every little detail about his daily life. Some of his antics are just too funny.

Parvati - It seems like Devi Narayani is really happy by this devotee brother Narayan.

Krishna - I also will like to know who this devotee of Narayani is.

Y/n - Someone special. (His stares I somehow manage not to laugh.)

Krishna - (You seem too alright. I wonder am I the only one missing you?)

Every Devs and Devis blessed Ashok Sundari. Ashok Sundari who was created from the wish fulfilling tree Kalpavriksha. Mahadev took Devi Parvati to Nandavana, where she saw a tree known as Kalpavriksha which could fulfill any wish. When Devi Parvati wished for a daughter to reduce her loneliness. Since Kartikeya had grown up and left Kailash as a mother it caused immense grief. The words in her name are derived from her creation. As Devi Narayani give life to Devi Parvati imagination. And a beautiful girl emerged from Kalpavriksha tree.

Ashoka - Greetings Mata Narayani.

Y/n - Blessings. Aren't you the prettiest of all?

Ashoka - Am I?

Y/n - Indeed, but there is something that is the reason of this down look on your face.

Ashoka - It's nothing Mata, it's just that, there is no one in Kailash other than mother who plays with me.

Y/n - So you need Sakhi's? Come with me, I will take you in a place where you will have lots of Sakhi's.

Ashoka - Where is that place?

Y/n - Soon you will know.

Devi Narayani takes Ashok Sundari with her

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Devi Narayani takes Ashok Sundari with her. When they reached that place Ashok Sundari was mesmerized by the beauty, as beautiful women greeted them.

Y/n - This is Apsara lok and they are Apsara's who will be your Sakhi's. Just like they are my Sakhi's.

Apsara's - Welcome to Apsara lok. We will be more than happy to have another Sakhi.

They spend those time in Apsara lok as Ashok Sundari was happily played with all of her new Sakhi's. After some time, they take that leave and reached Kailash.

Parvati - Where did you go with Devi. Narayani?

Ashoka - Mother today I made lots of Sakhi's.

Parvati - I am happy to hear that.

Y/n - You can visit anytime you like. Nandi will take you there or you can always come to me.

Ashoka - But when will I able to see you again?

Y/n - Whenever you call for me, I will be there.

Ashoka - Thank you Mata. (I place a kiss to Mata cheeks.)

Y/n - A daughter never has to thank her Mata. I have to take my leave now.

Mahadev - Don't forget to visit again.

Y/n - I wouldn't. Give me permission so I can leave now. 

Mahadev nod, Devi Narayani left for Prem lok but not only her someone else also followed behind her. Devi Narayani enters inside infinity palace and head toward the chamber. That's when a strong arms hold her, it was none other than lord Narayan.

Y/n - What are you doing? Did you forget about the challenge?

Krishna - Yes, since you are too okay for my likings.

Y/n - Oh, it seems like my Priye has missed me. (I gently caressing his cheeks with the back of my hand.)

Krishna - Maybe but who is this devotee that take all your attention that you didn't even had time to think about me?

Y/n - There is no one in this universe that can make me stop thinking about you. All my thoughts are surrounded by you.

Krishna - Then what were you saying to Sister Parvati? And what kept you so busy?

Y/n - Oh Priye it was Narad-Muni's stories that kept me busy, and everyone knows that Narad Muni is great devotee of Narayan's Narayani. Neither less a great storyteller.

Krishna - So that's where Narad Muni has been busy.

Y/n - Well it seems like I win. (He brings his face close to me as his breath started to tickle my neck.)

Krishna - You might have win but now who will save you from me?

Y/n - Swami, that's not fair you should listen to me since I have won the challenge.

Krishna - Of course I would have if you didn't trouble me so much.

Y/n - But (I give him a pleading eye.)

Krishna - That's not going to work Priye. But now you look too adorable for me to able to resist.

Y/n - Don't say things like that.

Krishna - When did my Priye become so shy?

Y/n - Only when you are being like this. I can't help it.

Krishna - Oh Priye, your shy smile always melts my heart.

That night Padmakashtha flower bloom just like Narayan's Narayani love in prem lok.

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