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Pairing: teem!Aedion Ashryver x mother!reader
Warning: nightmares
Note: based off of Son. Aedion is fourteen. Aedion may appear younger in some parts.
Requested by: no one

                                              You ran your fingers through your hair as you slipped into Aedion's bedroom. Aedion was in bed, sleeping peacefully. You leaned down to kiss his forehead softly making him smile in his sleep then you went to your own bedroom to get some sleep yourself.
Once you fell asleep, it was dark, very dark then there was a single light.
                                               "Mother?" A young boy's voice called out, it all cleared up revealing seven-year-old Aedion Ashryver cradling a bawling two-year-old Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, your breathing hitched. "Aedion," you whispered, you burst into a full sprint. "Aedion!" You shouted. "Mother!" Aedion screams, trying to calm Aelin down. "Where are you?!" Aedion screams. "Mother!"
                                                  You reached Aedion and Aelin, gathering them in your arms.
                                                  "Mommy, where are we?" It's been years since he's called you 'mommy' you stroked Aedion's hair soothingly. "It's okay, it's going to be okay," you told them, almost tearing up yourself.
                                                    The darkness, you didn't notice it before but it was getting closer.
                                                    "What is that?" 
                                                       And you did. You held Aedion's hand while the other held Aelin. You shoved Aelin into Aedion's arms.
                                                      "Run! I'll be right behind you! I promise!" You ordered Aedion. "But-" Aedion starts. "This is not up for discussion! Run!" You snapped and Aedion did, leaving you behind.
                                                        Except the darkness didn't come for you. You heard screaming coming from Aedion.
                                                            Your vision darkened again, this time you were on a battlefield, covered in blood head to toe with a double-bladed sword. You recognized some of the men's armor, the Bane. You were in a battle with the Bane. Aedion. You ran through the bloody field, taking down enemy forces one by one. You won't stop until you find him, you won't stop until you find your son.
                                                              You saw him, fighting alongside with his two closest soldiers. They were close to being overrun. 
                                                               "Aedion!" You screamed, running as fast as you could towards him. You picked up a bow and arrow and fired at the enemy, but it was too late, a blade pierced through your son.

                                                                 You felt someone shaking you, your head immediately went to your blade you kept underneath your pillow and shot up only to see Aedion with a worried look and a candle lit in his hand.
                                                                  "You were screaming for me, I got scared," Aedion explains. "It's just a nightmare, just a nightmare," you told Aedion, Aedion placed the candle down on the nightstand and sat next to you on the bed. "I'm scared about tomorrow, Mother," Aedion admits. "I'm leaving home to join the Bane for whatever the future holds for us and I'm leaving you," you ran your fingers through Aedion's short golden hair. "Oh, Aedion," you whispered, you pulled Aedion close, letting his head rest on your shoulder. "Everyone is afraid of something. I'm scared of some things too," Aedion looked up at you. "Like what?" He asked, you cupped your hand against his cheek. "Watching my son go to war."
                                                                     You watched the Bane pack the last of their belongings up as did Aedion, his sword was strapped to his back, his golden hair cut shorter than before. He stopped packing, he looked back up to you, he ran over to you, tackling you for one, last, tight hug before he left.
                                                                       "I'm scared," Aedion whispered to you. "I know you are," you replied, you kissed the top of his head gently. "But it's time for you to be brave now. Don't just fight for me, for survival, fight for Terresan. Fight for your uncle, aunt, and cousin. Do you understand?" Aedion nodded.
                                                                        "Good. Now, get on that horse and don't look back, keep your head up high."
                                                                           And that was the last time you saw Aedion. It was too dangerous for you to remain in Terresan, even with the lords' help, it was too dangerous so you moved to Rifthold. You knew it was stupid to do so but the people there(especially the peasants) needed your help in health. You opened up a bookstore as your cover but the people who knew you really well will come by to get medical help from you.
                                                                           And you did for the next ten years. Until one day, you heard of rumors about a haughty, arrogant general of a legendary legion. Some of your customers were gossiping about him.
                                                                           "He's so handsome too," one of them said. "And those muscles, mmh, so yummy," she said. "Have you actually seen him?" Another questioned. "By the gods, yes! Why do you think I'm talking about him like that?" The previous woman questioned. "I think his name was something like Aiden? Yeah, Aiden Ash something," another piped up. "Ugh, I want to meet him so bad," the first said, Aiden Ash caught your attention. "Excuse me," you broke in. "I'm sorry to disturb but I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. You said there's a new general?" The three women nodded eagerly. "Ugh, that golden hair," the first woman sighs. "Don't forget those eyes! It's rare to see someone with turquoise eyes with gold aligning the pupil!" The second adds. Golden hair, turquoise eyes with gold aligning, legendary legion. Aedion.
                                                                               You closed your shop early to go searching, you picked up a familiar scent in a tavern and you entered. You heard laughter coming from a corner to see men, one of them being the same description the three women had said. The golden-haired man, or male, stopped and looked over to see you. He excused himself and you both walked out together.
                                                                               You felt powerful arms pulling you tightly to a muscular chest.
                                                                              "I never thought I'd see you again, Mother," a deep, husky voice murmured into your ear, your arms went around your son's neck. "I thought the same with you." You admitted into his. And you both stayed like that for a very, very long time.

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