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Pairing: Sam Cortland x reader
Warning: character death
Note: you and Sam were sent by Arobynn for a kill.
Requested by: no one

                                               Sam leaned against a wall, watching you clean your arrows and make sure that they are in perfect condition for this kill. Sam will be chasing the guy you both will be killing, once he was in range, you fire an arrow at him.

                                               One of the many reasons why Arobynn had sent you instead of Celaena or any other assassin for this is because of your marksmanship skills, no matter how far away your target is, you can either hit it or get a headshot. Yes, Sam will be herding your target to him and Sam was doing it to keep the guards that guarded your target away.

                                                Sam noticed you nodded at him meaning you were ready. Sam opened a window then jumped out, he saw you running across rooftop after rooftop with your bow and arrow ready for fire. Sam easily found the target, he easily killed his four guards and the target was on the run.

                                                Sam threw a knife at him, the target ran in the other direction, straight for you. You pulled the string back with your l/r(left or right) hand, you waited for a few seconds then released. It went clean through his head. More guards started to show up, Sam grabbed your arrow and you both disappeared into the night.

                                                Sam handed you your arrow back, you started to clean it again then returned it to your quiver. "Done and done," you finally spoke, checking your bowstring. "It was too easy," Sam adds. "Most of my targets are easy," you admitted. "Sometimes I wish Arobynn would let me get a challenge instead of these cowards," you snarled, the bowstring snapped so you started to restring the bow. "How many people have you killed?" Sam asked. "I don't know, a couple hundred," you replied. "A couple hundred?" Sam repeated. "Or more." You said, shrugging.

                                                Sam stared at you as you started to walk away. "You coming? Or do you need an invitation?" You replied, stopping when you realized Sam wasn't following you. Sam had to shake his head then started to follow you.

                                                 Arobynn was pleased with the result and presented you with a new set of bow and arrows.

                                                The tips of the arrows were poisonous, which is not very helpful since most of your hits were one hit, one kill. "So," Sam starts, watching you fiddle around with your new set. "How is it to you?" You shrugged. "I'll get used to it," you said. "Now, if you would excuse me. I need to pay Arobynn my debt."

                                                  And you did. You packed your belongings up then left the Assassin's Guild with your newest set of arrows and bow. Sam watched you leave from a window, you looked back and noticed Sam from the window so you waved goodbye to him then continued on your way.

~time skip~

                                                  You placed a pebble down before a grave, on the grave it said "Sam Cortland" and "beloved" making you sigh. "Hello, Sam," you softly said. "I miss you."

Every time I write "Sam" autocorrect keeps changing it into "San" like wtf? I have never seen anime before and it keeps changing it.

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