Sh, He's Asleep

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Pairing: Rowan Whitethorn x reader
Warning: none
Note: you and Ronin had to stay quiet as Rowan slept, he hasn't had any sleep for the past few weeks.
Requested by: no one

                                               You peered into the bedroom to check on your sleeping mate then quietly shut the door. Ronin was waiting at the final step of the stairs as you walked down from it. "Well?" He whispered. "He's asleep," you whispered back. "Dang it," Ronin grumbled. "I know, Ronin. Your father is a busy male," you replied, ruffling his silver, white hair. "Now, come on. Your uncle Enda is coming over today, remember? I just hope Enda realizes how much your father needs his rest."

                                               Enda understood rest was important and that your mate's health will come first if needed. "How long was he away?" Enda quietly asked. "Few weeks with no sleep or rest," you replied. "The minute he got into bed he was out cold." You added, Enda nodded. "Once your body demands sleep, sleep you will get," Enda said quietly making you nod in agreement.

                                                 Ronin looked up the stairs, he honestly wanted to spend time with his father but that went down the hill when his father decided sleep was more important than his son. "Ronin," Enda said. "Remember, your father's magic is depleted. Magic needs to be, ah, recharged I suppose is a way of saying it," said Enda. "But I wanted-" Ronin starts. "To spend time with him, yes, I know," said Enda. "For now, let him rest. He desperately needs it."

                                                You quietly went upstairs again to check on Rowan again, he was still sleeping. You sat on the edge of the bed, gently tracing the harsh outlines of his face then his tattoos. All of a sudden, Rowan grabbed you and pinned you down, his face buried into your neck.

                                                 You sighed, you already knew there was no way of getting out of his grip.

                                                  From below, Enda and Ronin were starting to wonder what was taking you so long to walk back down the stairs. "Maybe Father's awake!" Ronin eagerly said, Enda shook his head. "Or your father could have pinned your mother down to the bed and refuses to let go of her."

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