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Pairing: Fenrys x reader
Warning: sexual harassment....?
Note: I've been wanting to write Fenrys for so long and now I finally got an idea for him
Requested by: no one

                                               Fenrys titled a bottle of ale in his hand while watching Lorcan take a female up to a random bedroom in the tavern he and the rest of the cadre were staying at. He caught the sight of the only female of the cadre playing cards with several other males.
Rowan told Gavriel and him to keep an eye on her, he claimed she's like a baby sister to him and wants nothing to happen to her. Especially from the males. Rowan, unfortunately, was not there hence the reason why he had asked Gavriel and Fenrys to look after her. Fenrys heard the males groaning while she tossed piles of gold coins into her little pouch.
                                                 As Y/n stood, a male grabbed her, she drove her elbow back and brought his face down to her knee, knocking him out cold. "Anyone else?" She asked. "No? Good," she said, she grinned at them before sauntering over to Fenrys. "I don't see why you need to be babysat by Gavriel and me," Fenrys said, finishing off his ale. Y/n shrugs. "That's how he is, protective as ever," she replied, snagging the ale from him and taking a sip of it making Fenrys order another one. "I've seen you go to war, I've seen you lead men, I've seen you fight. You really don't need protection," said Fenrys, watching her finish off the ale. "Tell that to Rowan," she said. "I'm heading back. I'm not sleeping with any of these pigs."
                                                  Fenrys shrugs as Y/n walked out of the tavern. Gavriel, who wasn't in the tavern walked in moments after Y/n had left. "Where is she?" Gavriel asked Fenrys. "She walked out moments before you walked in," Fenrys replied. "Gods dammit, Fenrys! You're supposed to be watching her while I was gone!"
                                                  Gavriel slammed open the door, frantically searching for the young female. He caught her scent but it was mixed with males. "She walked out on her own," said Fenrys. "Are you sure?" Gavriel demands. "I'm sure," Fenrys said then a shout, "Fenrys!"
                                                    Gavriel shifted into a lion, Fenrys was already gone by the time Gavriel had. With knives out, Fenrys lunged at the group of males that held Y/n. Gavriel carried her away, she was out cold. By the time Gavriel returned to help, the males were running as a white wolf chased them off.
                                                      They heard a groan, Y/n was attempting to sit up and Gavriel gently pushed her back down. "You hit your head pretty hard, Y/n. Best you lay down," Gavriel told her, she shook her head. "I'm fine," she grumbled. "Tell that to Whitethorn." Said Fenrys, his gaze on a very familiar silver-haired Fae male angrily walking over to them.
                                                       First, Rowan yelled at Gavriel and Fenrys for failing to keep Y/n then yelled at Y/n for being so gods damned stupid to leave without anyone from the cadre. He then carried her back to Doranalle.

                                                       "I can't believe, I can't," Rowan growled, pacing back and forth. "I'm fine," Y/n protested. "No, you are not!" Rowan snaps. "Rowan," Y/n starts. "Unless Maeve gives you the order to leave Doranalle, you are staying here for my sake."
~that night~

                                                  Fenrys silently slipped inside Y/n's bedroom. "What are you doing here?" Y/n asked, she didn't even need to turn around to know who was in her room. "Thought I'd drop by," said Fenrys, Y/n sat up. "Well, you're here now," she said. "You know Maeve will be suspecting something is up between us," said Y/n. "I know," said Fenrys. "I just wanted to say 'hello' and 'goodnight'."
                                                   Fenrys quickly kissed the top of her head then disappeared. 'Did he just kiss me?'

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