I'm So Sorry

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Pairing: Aedion Ashryver x reader ft Aelin and her court.
Warning: torture...? And character death
Note: N/A
Requested by: no one

                                               It's been what, six days? A week? Two weeks? Y/n doesn't know nor does she want to, she just wants this to be over with. Along with the witches, she's been implanted as well, the beast that possessed her husband forced him to watch her give birth to an ilken after ilken.

                                               After she was done, the Valg men threw her into a dungeon with no lights or windows.

                                                 'Please. Please just let her go, she doesn't deserve this. She's done everything Erawan asked for!' Nate pleaded to the demon but he gained no answer. He was caged, locked away just like his wife, locked to watch the beast that possessed him to do horrible things not just to others but to his wife too.

                                                  When she's not giving birth with the witches, the beast dominates her in the bedroom in the worst ways possible. 'Her body is now mine, warlock' the beast finally snarled at him. 'Accept it' it snarled. 'Never'

                                                  Y/n leaned her head back against the wall with a defeated sigh. Perhaps she should have told the truth to Aedion and Aelin, it's too late now, she can't tell them the truth now. A thought suddenly hit Y/n, the last time she had seen Aedion she had given him a pendant.

                                                     Y/n shakes her head, there's a chance it may not work but she had to try. "Aedion," she softly said. "Hear me."


                                                      Aedion's pocket grew warm and heavy, he pulled the pendant out of his pocket and saw that it was glowing blue. "Aedion, hear me," a soft voice rang out. He knew that voice. Y/n? Aedion brushed his thumb against the pendant. "Y/n?" He softly murmured. "You heard me," the same voice whispered. "Save me."

                                                    "We have to go back," Aedion attempted to persuade Aelin. "I can't let her go through this by herself, Aelin," said Aedion. "It's suicide," Rowan points out. "I know but, it's not right to leave her there," Aedion admits. "Aedion, she lied to us," Aelin points out. "She lied so she can keep Nate alive!" Aedion protests. "What if you and Rowan were in their position? Wouldn't you have lied to keep Rowan alive, Aelin?" Aelin snarled at Aedion in response. "I can't leave her, Aelin," Aedion said. "I can't."

                                                    Y/n must have passed out sometime during the night, the next time she woke up she found herself on the back of a wyvern. A witch with silver hair rode in the front and a girl with dark hair rode behind her. The wyvern dropped down to Oakwald Forest. "Head north. Your queen is heading there," the witch said. "Warlock," the witch snarled. "Keep Elide Lochan alive or I will gut you myself life debt or no."

                                                   The witch saved Y/n's life, she didn't know how or why but the witch did. The witch must have also healed most of Y/n's wounds, leaving her with only a slight limp. There was another thump, blue magic danced in the palms of Y/n's hands. "Y/n?" A familiar voice said. "Is that you?"

                                                     Nate. Nate found them. He wore no ring nor collar but the magic dancing in Y/n's palm didn't fade. "Y/n, it's me. I swear," Nate promised. "Tell me one thing only Nate would know," Y/n demands. "Your half-brother is Magnus Bane. Your father is Asmodeus, the demon," Nate said. "Please. Believe me."

                                                       The witch, Manon, had poisoned Y/n to slow her heartbeat down to make it look like Y/n had died during the night, because of what Kaltain Rompier had done, Manon was able to snatch up Y/n and flee with Elide.

                                                        Nate's story was that the demon that possessed him left his body somehow, he didn't know why but he did. Now, the couple escorted the lady to her lost queen in the north.

                                                         During their journey, they met Lorcan Salvaterre, the Fae male. It wasn't hard to tell he had things to settle with Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, but they needed the extra protection.

                                                         And they continued on with their journey until Y/n had to stop all of a sudden. She groaned, doubling over causing Nate to grab her. "What's wrong?" Nate demands. "I don't know," Y/n groans. "We're getting closer," Lorcan snarled. "Nate," Y/n whispered. "Is it possible for Valg to impregnate female warlocks?"

                                                         As they four got closer to the marsh where the Dark God was nudging him to. Y/n's stomach grew bigger, the fetus was slowly draining her energy meaning she had to depend on Nate to share some of his. Like a caranam.

                                                         Y/n panted as Nate helped her down on the floor, Elide gently wiped away sweat that shown on Y/n's forehead. All of a sudden she screamed in pain, Nate immediately grabbed her hand and squeezed. "What? What's wrong?" Nate worriedly asked. "She's giving birth," Lorcan muttered. "Now?!" Nate exclaims, Y/n shouts again. "Yes, now!"

                                                       With a powerful shield over them to keep Y/n's scream from attracting unwanted attention, Y/n slowly gave birth. Nate tugged off his leather jacket, wrapping his newborn baby girl up. Elide took the baby from Nate as he cradled his wife in his lap. "Nate," she softly said. "Can I go to sleep now?" Nate choked, even Lorcan softened a bit. They all knew what she was asking. "Do you want to?" Nate choked. "I'm so tired," she replied, Nate kissed her forehead hard. "Then yes, you can go to sleep. You deserve to sleep after everything you went through. Y/n, I'm so sorry I caused you so much pain."

                                                        "I'm so sorry."

                                                           The Valg demon made him rape his own wife when she was vulnerable and the cost of that was making her pregnant and die after giving birth.

I was.........very hesitant about uploading this because, well, rape is a sensitive subject to a lot of people. At least I didn't really add it, only mentioned it. But still, I was still very hesitant but I had to get something uploaded.

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