Save Me

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Pairing: Lorcan Salvaterre x daughter!reader
Warning: tears........?
Note: Lorcan leaves letters for his daughter whenever he has the time to. Will be written in first person.
Requested by: no one

                                                 Another letter came from Dad. It's been five decades since the last time I saw him, I barely remember Mom but Dad I can remember clearly. I opened the letter and started to read.

My darling daughter,

Maeve has sent me away again. I don't know when I will come back but I wanted you to know you will be in my thoughts. Once I come back, I will come to visit you, I won't be able to stay long but I have to see you. Just once.

                                               And that's it. Most letters Dad sends are short but some can be rather long, they're only long because he had the time to write that much. I picked up some papers and an ink pen to write back. I stopped writing when I felt someone was watching me, I looked around, and strained my ears to listen but heard nothing but the wind, I didn't lower my guard.
I grabbed a dagger Dad gave me the last time he saw me, I picked up another, dual wielding them. My heart beater hard and fast as I walked around the almost empty house, I checked everywhere. It was completely empty other than myself.
                                              I started to pull the curtains shut, I locked all the windows and doors just in case and went back to resume writing a letter to Dad.
                                               Meanwhile, outside the house. Males were watching the house, marking ways to break in, grab the young female, then leave.

~time skip~
(Switching to Lorcan's pov)

                                               'Something's not right' I thought, entering the house. 'Door is wide open. Funny of Y/n to do that, she normally shuts it and keeps it lock' I continued thinking, I went inside and I immediately smelt unknown male scents. My first thought was something happened to Y/n while I was away, and I was right, the house was trashed as if Y/n had put up a fight.
Something crunched underneath my foot, I picked it up and it was a letter written in blood. Want her back? Better run cause time is ticking the moment you started to read this.
                                                My heart clenched, without even thinking, I rushed out of there. Nobody hurts my daughter.

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