That's Your Brother?!

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Pairing: Terresan court x reader ft Fenrys and Gavriel
Warning: none
Note: N/A
Requested by: no one

                                                Aelin groaned, her hand going to her forehead to stop the aching headache. "Aelin!" She heard someone shouting, she felt hands helping her sit up. "How do you feel?" A voice asked her. Rowan. "Like someone struck me in the head multiple times," Aelin grumbled. "You did hit your head hard," Y/n agreed. "Where are we?" Asked Aelin, looking around. "My brother's city," Y/n replied. "Come on. I'll show you around."

                                                 As Aelin followed Y/n with Rowan close behind, Aelin realized most of the buildings were humongous as if the buildings are housing giants. Aelin stiffened, she was right about giants. They were huge, bigger than Rowan in muscle comparison, possibly Lorcan too. Y/n strode over to a giant with a war hammer sitting by his feet, the giant grinned at her and she pecked his cheek.

                                                "I see the rest of your court are now awake," the giant said, nodding at Aelin. "Try not to scare her, brother dear. You don't want her burning down your clan, do you?" Y/n replied. "That's your brother?!" Aelin shockingly asked. "Adopted brother," Y/n replied. "And do be careful of what you say next. My brother is quite protective of me."

                                                 The next part of the camp that Y/n led Aelin and Rowan to was where the rest of Aelin's court was. Lysandra smiled when she saw her queen up and about, Fenrys couldn't keep his eyes off of Y/n, though. After all, they were mates.

~110 year's ago~

                                                 Laughter was heard as Fenrys pulled a happy Y/n behind him. His family was holding a party and Fenrys brought his newfound mate to celebrate together, Fenrys gently pushed her up against a wall to kiss her hard.

                                                 "You-" kiss. "Are-" another kiss. "So-" another kiss. "Beautiful," Y/n giggled, kissing her mate again. "You're quite handsome yourself," she giggled, Fenrys chuckled. "Gods have blessed me with you," Fenrys said, kissing her again. "You're wrong. They blessed me when our paths crossed."

                                                   Y/n is a demi-Fae. Her father was a Fae male that was killed while protecting her and her pregnant mother, her mother was a powerful mage trained by Khadgar, the Guardian of Stormwind. Her mother had opened a portal and sent Y/n to an old friend of hers, not knowing her friend had become an alcoholic and was abusing his "adoptive son".

                                                    After suffering abuse for too long, her adoptive brother, Thrall, finally snapped. He and Y/n escaped with the help of a young girl. The two became incredibly close to one another after the first time Y/n was hit, ever since then, Thrall has called her his sister. Thrall eventually learned his true heritage and decided to look for his father's clan and claim his rightful title as chieftain with Y/n in tow and eventually became the Warchief of the Horde.

                                                    Khadgar had found them before they departed, he promised to Thrall that Y/n will be safe and Thrall agreed to let her go if Y/n can become powerful because of her mother's blood then he let her go.

                                                   After many years, the brother and sister met once more. Thrall had claimed his title as chieftain and became the Warchief and Y/n had become a very powerful mage. Y/n had sought him out to tell him that she plans to return to her father's homeland and learn more about her father's people. Thrall hated the idea of her leaving but he once again agreed to let his sister go.

                                                    Y/n met a Fae female defending her territory vigorously with her two sons, with the help of Y/n's magic, the invaders retreated in defeat. Ever since then, Y/n had a place. She met the twins, she felt an immediate connection with Fenrys, and she later found out he was her mate. After going through the painful process of gaining immortality, she had thought she and Fenrys will forever live together in happiness. That all went downhill when he told her he had taken the blood oath to Maeve to save his twin.


                                                    Fenrys snapped out of his daze when he saw his mate standing in front of him. "What?" Fenrys asked making her huff. "Thrall wants to talk to you," Y/n repeated and walked away. "Y/n," Fenrys started but she was gone before he could get his sentence out.

                                                     Fenrys sighs as he got up and looked around for the brute of a brother, he spotted Thrall speaking to an Orc female and an Orc child. The female took the child by the hand and guided him away while Thrall strode over to Fenrys. "Y/n told me how you two met," Thrall told him. "And?" Fenrys replied. "You hate the blood oath yet you took it anyway, breaking my sister's heart. Why?" Thrall demanded. "So that my twin does not suffer as much."

                                                     "Momma, tell us more stories about Papa," a little boy pouts at Y/n. "Yes! More stories about Papa!" A little girl agreed with her brother. "What do you two want to know about him? You already know so much about him," Y/n sighs, checking her quiver. "Where's Papa now?" The little girl asked. "Away," Y/n replied. "Where?" The little boy asked. "I said "away", Felix," Y/n sighs. "But-" the little girl starts. "Celestia, Felix. Please. Stop asking me about your father."

                                                       The two siblings knew speaking about their father wasn't the easiest topic for their mother but they had to know more. They followed their mother out of the large tent and out to where the campfire was. Their mother waved at their aunt, Aggra, and cousin, Durak. Their mother very quietly spoke to Aggra and Aggra nodded. "Come, little ones," said Aggra in Orc. "Your mother is going hunting with your uncle. Best you two stay with me until she returns."

                                                      The borderline of Durotar came into view, Y/n easily guided her wolf to left, towards the forest with her brother and several other Orcs in tow, riding wolves of their own. Fenrys had joined them, wanting to speak to Y/n on his own but found it impossible with Thrall constantly by her side. Fenrys understood Thrall wanted to protect Y/n as long as possible but couldn't he see Fenrys wanted to do the same?

                                                       Fenrys shifted back into his Fae form once Y/n had stopped her wolf as her brother and another Orc chased after a group of deer. "Y/n," Fenrys started. "Why do I smell Fae scents on you?" Y/n said nothing, looking away. "Do you remember our last night together before you left for Maeve?" She finally replied. "I do. I only had one day to say my goodbyes," Fenrys agreed. "Why?" He asked. "That one night, you impregnated me."

                                                        Fenrys stared at the young children that huddled near their mother. "Felix and Celestia," Fenrys repeated. "You seem surprised," said Y/n. "I am," said Fenrys, giving the children a grin and the girl gave him an identical grin. "Celestia is more like you," Y/n started. "While Felix-" Fenrys finished her sentence. "Is more like you," Y/n shrugged. "I suppose that's how it works for some twins, Fenrys."

                                                         The small reunion was cut short when Thrall walked in. "You need to leave," Thrall told Y/n. "What? Why?" Y/n demanded as Thrall handed her a bag filled with possessions. "The Lich King is threatening us," Thrall replied. "Fenrys, please. I beg of you to protect my sister and my nephew and niece as best you can. Do not let them take the blood oath, run, take them far away from your queen. As soon as The Lich King is taken care of, I will write to you that it is safe for you to return. Until then, stay safe for me, my dear sister."

                                                            Y/n used a spell to open a portal to the world where Aelin, her court, Gavriel, and Fenrys came from. Everyone stepped into the circle, Thrall watched them disappear and Thrall prayed that they will be safe while he took care of things on his end.

Damn. This was a long one. Almost 1400 words.

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