Morning After

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I'm running out of ideas so this will be a preference. If you want to, you can listen to the music while reading.


                 You felt heavy weight on your side causing you to wake up. You looked down to see a heavily muscled arm covered with tattoos wrapped around you tightly. You felt puffs of warmth on your neck, you smiled to yourself, remembering the night before. You turned to face the male behind you, gosh, he looks so peaceful when he sleeps.
                   You reached up to gently trace his harsh features then his tattoos. His hand immediately caught yours. "Try that again and I'll have you on your back screaming my name," he grumbled to you. "Morning to you too," you giggled, you leaned up to kiss him gently. "If memory serves me right, you were moaning mine more." He scoffs then pins you down. "How about I prove you wrong?"


                Gavriel is always the first one up, no matter how hard you try to get up first. You felt cold so you reached over to grab his hand only to feel nothing, you opened your eyes to see an empty bed side, his side of the bed was still warm so he must have left the bed not too long ago. You smelt food coming from the kitchen so you tugged on a robe and sauntered down there.
                  Thankfully, Gavriel was wearing pants so you won't be having many dirty thoughts but he was shirtless. You couldn't help but stare at him from behind, and he started to chuckle. "You know, you don't have to stare like a stalker," he chuckled, you chuckled along and walked over to him. You wrapped your arms around his waist and leaned your head on his back, waiting for him to finish cooking.


                   Lorcan was wide awake, his gaze on you. You were so peaceful as you slept beside him, so small and innocent. He reaches over to brush a strand of hair from your eyes, he plays with the strand for a moment then let go when you shifted in your sleep.
Every night, he would pray that nothing would happen to you and the prayer was heard. He would wake up sometimes, from a nightmare and he would look over to you and see you sleeping right beside him.
                      You would wake up as well, you felt him startle every time. You would calm him down then let him take complete control, it's always gentle though, he's never too rough with you, just gentle.
                     Lorcan gently brushed his thumb against your lower lip, you smiled in your sleep making him smile too. You're safe and that's all that matters to him.
                      You woke up to someone running his hands up and down your sides. You returned that gesture by wrapping your arms around his torso and a kiss to his chest.


                Fenrys would watch you for a few minutes before falling asleep. He's worried something would happen to you like Lorcan does. That's why he has his arm tightly wrapped around you.
                  When he wakes up though, he finds your leg thrown across his hips making him chuckle, you're just as possessive of him as he is with you. Fenrys would hike your leg up further, he would then gently lean down to press kisses to your neck, collarbone, then shoulder.
                    After that, he would shower you with kisses making you giggle and laugh. That brightens his day.


                 Honestly, the first time you and he had slept in the same bed for the first time, You didn't expect him to be the cuddler time. When you woke up, you found him with his face buried into your stomach and his arms tightly wrapped around you.
                 And that's how it went every single day, even after having sex. Aedion would wake up first the morning after every single time, though so he can see all the markings he's left on you. His favorites were your neck, shoulders, and collarbone.
                 If you couldn't tell, he's possessive of you.


                  As much as Dorian wishes he can say he wakes up before you do, he can't. You always beat him so by the time you finish getting dressed, he wakes up and just stares at you. You tried to get him to wake up faster, even Chaol had tried, but nothing seems to work very well.
                  So you gave up trying. Sometimes you wouldn't even be there when Dorian wakes up, you have duties of your own too as queen. But when you do end up sleeping past your normal time, Dorian just spends his time debating whether he should postpone all of his and your meetings today.


                    Chaol would find you sleeping on top of him, you were small compared to him. He would wake up to heavyweight and would know it's you. Chaol would carefully place you down on the bed then slowly plant kisses to the parts you're insecure about.

                     He would smile when he finds you propping yourself up with your elbow then he would finally kiss your lips.

Sam and Sartaq just didn't seem like a character for me to write for something like this. I'm sorry if you were hoping to read them, maybe next time.

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