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Pairing: Fenrys x reader
Warning: none
Note: N/A
Requested by: no one

                                            A female gracefully danced across a smooth wooden floor, humming to herself, dancing along the soft music of the piano. A male was leaning against a wall, watching her with his pine-green eyes.

                                            "You know, you don't have to stay here," she told him. "You know protecting you is important to me," he grunted. "I know, cousin," she replied, he left the wall and grabbed her by her arms, stopping her from dancing any further. "Take this seriously," he snarled. "I am taking it seriously," she calmly replied. "I have Enda and my father, mind you, cousin," he scowled. "Enda and your father are not enough," he lowly growled. "Then what is enough to you, Rowan? Having me barricaded behind steel walls?" She replied, scowling back. "Thank you for giving me that idea," said Rowan. "You wouldn't," she snarled. "Perhaps I will, Y/n."

                                              Y/n loved her cousin and hated him as well. He's always been like this, Enda knew she can take care of herself(which is odd since he's her older brother) as did her father, but Rowan can't stand the idea of her all alone.

                                               Y/n sighs as Rowan grabbed her bag and held the door open for her to exit. She took the bag back once she and Rowan got closer to her shared home with her parents, brother, and his mate and allowed Rowan to shift into a hawk and leave. Y/n tugs her cloak closer to her then walked inside, she was met with Enda's warm hug, she smiled and hugged her beloved brother back, enjoying his warmth and affection.

                                                Y/n dropped her bag and cloak on her bed and opened her closet to change into a pale icy green dress and matching flats. She redid her hairstyle then walked down to see what her brother and father were up to.

                                               "Ah, Y/n," her father said when he saw her descending the stairs. "Is there something you want, Father?" She asked, Enda waited for her at the final step and helped her down. "Yes, my dear. You and I will be visiting Maeve," her father replied, Y/n stilled. "Meeting Maeve?" She repeated. "Yes, she's already met your brother and she requested for you," her father told her. "Why? Is there a problem?" Her father asked her. "Rowan will be there."

                                                 He was, indeed, there, his eyes everting from his young cousin's. Y/n wore a traditional Wendlyn dress and her hair styled the Wendlyn way. Rowan felt eyes on his cousin, he turned to see Fenrys as a wolf gazing at Y/n making Rowan scowl. Rowan knew that look.

                                                 He had the same look when he met Lyria. Fenrys just met his mate, and Rowan was not happy that Fenrys' mate had to be his cousin. Rowan was there when Y/n was born, she often chased after Rowan and Enda when she was young, to play with them since she had no one else to play with. As the years went by, she started to lose both Enda and Rowan, forcing her to play by herself.

                                                  Rowan realized Y/n was also gazing at Fenrys, did she also pick up the instant click between her and the White Wolf of Doranelle? Did Maeve pick it up?

                                                  Rowan snapped out of his daze when Y/n and her father started to leave the throne room, his fellow blood-sworn leaving as well. Fenrys was hot on Y/n's heels as his Fae form, wanting to talk to her and Rowan easily caught up with Fenrys, grabbing him and shoving him up against a wall with a dagger held up against his neck.

                                                 "I suggest-" Rowan started. "You be careful with her," Fenrys chuckled darkly. "Oh, don't you worry, Whitethorn," said Fenrys. "She's my mate, there is no way in hell I will ever hurt her. If I do, it is most likely because Maeve ordered me to. I will give you the chance to kill me but remember, how will your cousin see you as after you do?"

                                                   Rowan let Fenrys go, debating over what the younger male just told him. Fenrys was right, for once. How will Y/n react to him killing her mate? How will she see him as after he did? All of those answers were anger and a monster. Not love, not cousin. Hate and monster.

                                                    Rowan spotted Fenrys holding his arm out for Y/n to take and she did, allowing Fenrys to lead her away. Rowan knew he shouldn't but he had to make sure nothing happened to her, he shifted and followed them.

                                                     Fenrys led Y/n into the woods. "How much farther?" Y/n asked, letting Fenrys escort her over a fallen tree log. "Not far, just up ahead," Fenrys replied, placing her down on the ground and taking her hand.

                                                     Fenrys stopped at an ivy-coated wall, he dragged his hand around and found what he was looking for. A doorknob. He twisted it and opened the door, holding it open for Y/n to step inside so she did. Fenrys shut the door behind him. "What's this?" Y/n asked, sitting down on the ground with her feet tucked underneath her. "Something that I found on my own," Fenrys replied, sitting down next to her. "Here," said Fenrys, he waved his hand over the pond.

                                                       Yes, Fenrys has found a pond, but it was no normal pond. With a wave of his hand, the pond came to life, showing pictures. "What is this?" Y/n softly asked. "I don't know," Fenrys admitted. "I found it like this when I waved my hand over it pictures started popping up. I realized those pictures where the things that I wanted," Fenrys explained. "Apparently, what I want now, is freedom to stay with my mate."

                                                       Y/n looked up at Fenrys, her silver hair falling into her green eyes speckled with brown so Fenrys pushed it back then leaned in to kiss her softly.

                                                        Rowan was perched on a tree branch, watching and listening to his cousin's and her new mate's conversation. Fenrys was gentle when he kissed her, very gentle as if he's afraid she'd break underneath his touch. Rowan huffs, taking flight and leaving them alone.

                                                         Fenrys carried his sleeping mate back to Doranelle, her head rested on his shoulder. Around her neck hung a silver wolf pendant, Fenrys kissed her forehead softly then entered Doranelle. Her father took Y/n from Fenrys and carried her away.

                                                         Fenrys made a promise to Y/n. And he intends on keeping it.

I'm bound to Maeve because of the blood oath and I hate it very much but I took it so that my twin does not suffer and I do. I ask of you not to hate him, hate Maeve instead. In return, I will continue my fight against the oath, and if I ever break free, I will run to you. You and I will live our lives for all eternity. I promise.

                                                          That was his promise, he prays he will be able to keep that promise.

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