Skin Part 2

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This time is the other way around.


                 Thankfully, you didn't barge in like your mate did weeks ago. You've seen mostly the upper part of his body but you've seen the lower once or twice. Seeing him completely naked was different.
                   Enda's mate told you not to look behind you so you sneaked a glance then quickly looked away, blushing furiously. "I told you not to!" "When someone says that it's hard not to look!"


                   Gavriel's brothers kicked him out so he returned back home. Leana's been kicking up a fuzz when she found out Gavriel had left, she refused to let Aedion hold her, she kicked him in the jaw when he tried and hasn't held her since. 
                    When you were planning on taking a bath, you entered the bathroom then stilled when you saw Gavriel also reaching for the towel. "GODS DAMMIT!"


                      Like Lorcan, you didn't really care much about skin as long as males and females knew he was yours. Sure, he gets possessive of you(not that you aren't with him) when a male or female stares at you for too long.
                       Neither of you cares about showing skin, a body is a body.


                     After Fenrys had seen you naked for the first time, he absentmindedly said, "You'll see mine at some point." So you tossed a boot at him making him laugh at you. He was right, you did see him days later, the door swung open while you were finishing some paperwork up.
You squeaked and covered your eyes. "I told you you'll see it."


                         You've already seen him naked many times, no need to get into it.


                            Dorian was injured during training and Chaol had to help him back to your shared bedroom. You excused yourself from your duties as a queen and rushed to check on Dorian.
You walked in to see a healer has stripped Dorian naked and you slammed the door shut, blushing furiously. Dorian was already blushing when the healer had stripped him and he was blushing, even more, when his wife caught him in a position like that.


                             Shortly after the incident with Dorian during training, he never realized he had gotten injured too so you forced him to strip in your shared bedroom so you can take care of his wounds.

                              Chaol was blushing very hard while you managed not to, you eventually did when you slipped into the bathroom to take a quick bath, you managed to hold in your blush.


                               Apparently, Sam sleeps naked. You knocked on his door but heard nothing so you knocked again to get the same response so you opened it. Sam was half in and half out of bed, his mouth open.

                               You slammed the door shut. Thankfully, Arobynn sent you away for a mission and you've never been more thankful for it.

I'm sorry this one is shorter. I tried my best not to basically copy off of what I wrote in the first part.

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