Carrying You Home

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Pairing: Aedion Ashryver x reader ft Aelin and her court
Warning: blood, gore, broken bones, torture
Note: requested part 2 of Warlock
Requested by: @bookfangirl62442

                             Magnus paced back and forth, his sister's life was on the line here and Aedion was the only one who had a connection to her. Like he said earlier, she wouldn't have just given the pendant to some random stranger, she had to trust them very much in order to give her a part of her soul away.

                              "How long have you known her?" Magnus demands. "Would you believe me if I told you?" Aedion replied, his knuckles white as his fist held the pendant. "My sister's life is on the damn line so you better damn well tell me!" Magnus snapped. "You don't know what she's been through, yet she trusts you so much she gave you a part of her damn soul!" Aedion flinched, he looked down at the pendant. She trusted him that much?

                              "Just rutting tell him, Aedion," Aelin snarled at her cousin. "I met her back when I was young, around the ages of four or five," Aedion finally said. "I was out in the woods, I didn't like playing with the other children back then so I chose to play by myself. I got lost while I was making my way out and your sister helped me out, ever since then, I would find her in the woods, waiting on me. She would show me her magic, it always amazed me how her magic worked, it was unlike anything I've ever seen. As I grew older, I got closer to her."

                               Magnus let out a shuddering breath. "My sister means everything to me," said Magnus. "Everything," Aedion slightly grimaced at that. "You may think you know her but you don't. She may have shown you her magic but that's not even close to knowing the real her, the walls she built, the years, the centuries it took for me to break it all down to reveal the real her," Magnus growled. "You. Don't. Know. Who. She. Is."

                              "She's quite strong, I'll give her that," Vernon told Perrington. "I need information. Now," Perrington growled lowly. "She won't give up that easily, my lord," a Valg soldier said. "Then break her. Use whatever weakness she has and break her."

                                 The world went dark around Y/n. All she can see is darkness, then all of a sudden she was no longer an adult, she was a child, a child running away. She can hear a man yelling at her, his sentences slurred but his aim was not, he had a glass bottle and it exploded around her once it hit the wall next to her as she ran.

                                  The man was catching up to her then he suddenly grabbed her, she screamed, grabbing his face then his head exploded. She scrambled backward from him, gasping as the body hit the ground. Her hands, there was a flicker of bright blue and green, she can hear people getting closer so she ran.

                                  For decades, she ran, not knowing what she truly was, not trusting anyone, not even her own self. That's when she met two people, people like herself. Strange, odd, and have strange powers. She discovered both have been seeking for her for a very long time, they introduced themselves as Magnus Bane and Catrina Loss. Magnus Bane claims he was her half-brother, they had the same father but different mothers. Their father was Asmodeus, the demon.

                                    He promised her he will take care of her, help her channel her power without a problem so she took his outstretched hand and let him carry her away.

                                   After all of that, each and every happy memory started to slip away. Y/n screamed for them to come back, to return only for the memories she wished she could lock away forever came back, it plagued her mind. She cried and begged for Hellas to end her life, to end her suffering and get it over with.

                                  She sobbed for forgiveness, she sobbed for her brother, her soul slowly starting to break apart. She was glad she had given a part to Aedion, a boy she had met many years ago, she was thankful she watched him grow up into a young man.

                                   Through it all, she managed to send one last message to the pendant before the last of her soul.........was lost.

                                     The pendant glows blue and green, a figure shimmered into the air, revealing a misty figure of Y/n. "Hello, brother, Aedion," Y/n tearfully said. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. Magnus, please. Don't blame yourself nor put the blame on Aedion or his cousin's court, they had nothing to do with this, I planned to tell them what I knew about the Valg, Erawan, and so much more. Unfortunately, time was not on my side nor was luck, please. Please keep the small part of my soul safe, never let it go out, never let the light out. Keep it safe, keep it alive, keep it glowing blue and green."

                                    Magnus started to walk away, the distance memory of him carrying his half-sister in his mind. Oh, Y/n. Why did you take the risk of looking into this? Why did it have to be you?

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