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Pairing: cadre x reader
Warning: death(not you or any of the cadre, I swear!)
Note: you and the cadre came across something and they finally see you break.
Requested by: no one

                                               "What the rutting hell is this?!" Fenrys demands, looking at the vast land of, well, ice. "A graveyard?" Gavriel suggested, he's squatting down, staring at something. Or someone.

                                                 "Lorcan?" Rowan softly said, all eyes went to the oldest Fae. "Death. All I sense is death," Lorcan finally said. "I do too," a soft voice said, all eyes went to Y/n. The female blood sworn. "Gavriel is right, this is a graveyard. For whom? I don't know, but I can tell many people were buried here. Whether that person is a Fae, human, witch, they were all buried here."

                                                  Y/n started to walk along the many aisles of the buried people. Something or someone was tapping on her shoulder, guiding her in a direction that made her heart clench in anticipation and fear. The other four followed Y/n as she walked.

                                                   Up ahead, Y/n could see some sort of sign. Her Fae vision picked up what it said and her heart clenched so hard that it hurt. One of the signs pointed in a direction and the sign said..... L/n. Her family name.

                                                   She burst into a full sprint, the other four had to run to keep up with her. Y/n skidded to a stop, she let out a stifled sob and sank to her knees from what she saw. Her family. All of them were buried here. Even her many siblings. She heard no heartbeat, no pulse, nothing but silence from her family.

                                                   Even her ancestors were buried here with her family. Right above where her father laid, was an inscription written in red. Blood.

The dragons are gone
Forever will they rest
No longer will they strike fear
Forever will they be dead
For us to live in victory
For them to be hunted
And killed

                                                  "Not all of us are dead," Y/n snarled softly to herself. "Why dragon?" Gavriel softly asked, wrapping his arm around her so she can lean against him. "My ancestors were able to control dragons, they raised the dragons and used them for war and power," Y/n explains. "But as the centuries passed, the dragons slowly started to become extinct, slowly dying off and when my father took control, they were no dragons left. None."

                                                 Y/n pulls out a blade from her thigh, the last blade her father had ever given to her before leaving forever. She sliced her palm wide open, letting the blade be covered with her blood and she drove it down to the ice. She won't forget this, she will hunt down whoever did this to her family, marking a promise that she will never forget this moment and she will hunt down whoever did this to her family.

                                                 Lorcan's keen ears picked up something roaring from a distance. "I heard roaring," Lorcan murmured. "I heard it too," Y/n said, getting up as did Gavriel. Another might roar. "It can't be. They're all gone."

                                                 Farther up, there stood was a mighty dragon, calling for its mistress. Y/n leans up, gently touching its snout. Its wings engulfed her completely, Gavriel's hands shot to his weapons but stopped when there was a rider on its back.

                                                Y/n grabbed the reins of the dragon, she already knew his name, a name that her ancestor had given to him centuries ago. Vicerion(Vi-ker-ion. Just in case). Y/n can feel his power, his loyalty to her, and the want to protect and serve her.

                                                 "And how are we supposed to explain him to Maeve?" Fenrys calls out to her. "We don't," Y/n replies. "Head back. I need to do something first then I will join you again once I'm done." The four glanced at each other. "Are you sure?" Gavriel asked, he may look calm but he is certainly worried about her in the inside. "I'll be fine, Gavriel. Go," Y/n told him. "It's time for us to fly."

                                                Vicerion took off into the air and soared through, flying towards the northeast. For home. If Maeve tries to control Vicerion, Y/n will rain hell on her, she will bring an army of dragons to destroy her throne.

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