The Twins

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Pairing: child!Fenrys x reader ft child!Connall
Warning: none
Note: I wanted to try something a bit different. You can say this is kinda like a part 2 of Children
Requested by: no one

                                               You felt a tug on your pant leg so you looked down to see Fenrys looking up at you. Fenrys and his twin brother, Connall, were left with you while their mother reported to Maeve. It's not like you minded, you babysat the twins more times than you could count, the boys really enjoyed having you around.

                                                Fenrys raised his arms up for you to pick him up so you did, you balanced him on your hip. "Now, where's your twin brother?" You sighed, looking around for Connall. Fenrys shrugs, resting his head on your shoulder, his golden curls gently brushing against your cheek. "I suppose it's time for hide and go seek."

                                                 Connall was glaring at Fenrys, his twin always stole your attention from Connall, why does everyone love Fenrys and not him? He kept glaring until you finally shouted his name. "Connall! This is not a game! I'm worried about you!" You shouted. "Come out! Please! I promise I'll bake you and Fenrys some goodies if you show up!"

                                                   That caught the attention of both boys, one of the reasons why they loved you is because of your cooking and baking skills. Connall trailed after you as you carried Fenrys over to the kitchen to start baking.

                                                   By the time the goodies were in the oven, the boys were covered in flour and eggs. "Bath time," you sang, the twins shared a look and took off running. Oh, how much they hate baths. It wasn't difficult to know where they were hiding, it wasn't your first time looking for them after they ran.

                                                    Connall was over your shoulder and Fenrys tucked underneath your arm, both boys pouting as you carried them to the large washroom. By the time the boys were done with their bath, the goodies were done so they munched on that while you went through messages that were sent.

                                                     You frowned to yourself, there was a message from the twins' mother, she wrote that she won't be coming home for a very long time and she requested that you continue staying with the boys until she or her mate returned home.

                                                      You lowered the message, watching the two boys quietly. You took their hands once they finished eating so you can tuck them into bed, Connall went to sleep first, Fenrys didn't, not yet at least.

                                                      "When is Mommy coming home?" Fenrys yawned as you tugged the blanket closer to him. "I don't know. Your mother sent a message that she won't be coming home soon," you softly replied, kissing his forehead. "Will you be taking care of Connall and me until she gets back?" Fenrys yawned again. "Yes, until your mother comes back," you replied. Fenrys yawned again, snuggling into the bed so you got up, blew the candles out and was about to shut the door only to hear a faint, "Love you, Y/n."

                                                      You went around the house, checking the doors and locking the windows and doors before heading up to the room the twins' mother allowed you to stay in. You opened the door then shut it, you sat down on a chair and reread the message. Again, you didn't mind taking care of the twins, but this extended amount of time staying with Maeve makes you wonder what was going on.

                                                       You blew out the candles then slid into bed. Sometime during the night, you heard the door creaking open and shuffling, Fenrys' scent hit you so you laid on your back, allowing Fenrys to climb into bed with you and snuggle into your side. Moments later, Connall joined you and his twin.

                                                      Their mother eventually returned, but she refused to tell you anything, she only thanked you for taking care of her two boys and paid you handsomely for it then sent you on your way.

                                                       As years went on, you continued babysitting the twins until they were old enough to leave home. And by leaving, I mean leaving for war. Saying goodbye to Fenrys was possibly one of the hardest things you've ever done, he was practically your son too.

                                                        "Come home alive," you murmured to him, holding him close. "I promise, I promise," Fenrys chuckled, tugging you closer. "I love you, Fenrys. I can't bear losing you."

                                                          And you did. You lost both Fenrys and Connall. You lost them to Maeve, Fenrys promised he'd come back. He made a promise he couldn't keep.

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