Pregnancy Part 7

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The children are now five.


                Ronin chases after Rowan with an angry pout. "Why not?" Ronin whines to his father. "Because your mother said no and I happen to agree with her," Rowan replies, saddling a horse up. "Daddy!" Ronin pouts. "Ronin," Rowan sighs. "Why can't I train with you?" Ronin whines. "You're too young, that's why," you answered, you walked over to Rowan to kiss his cheek. "I'll train you when you're older," said Rowan, ruffling his son's identical silver hair. "But I don't want to wait!" Ronin stamps angrily. "Ronin," you start. "Fine! I'll ask Uncle Enda," Ronin grumbled. "Why, thank you for telling us. I better tell him not to do that and if he has any common sense he will agree with me." You said, walking back inside. "Mommy!"


                "Quietly," Aedion told Leana, it was dark outside and it seemed to Aedion the perfect time to slip out with his baby sister to train her how to use a knife. "What am I going to do today, big brother?" Leana giggled, clutching Aedion's hand as he led her outside. "How to use a knife, baby sister."
                   With one foot outside and the other in, a hand grabbed the back of Aedion's hair. "Where. Do. You. Think. You're. Going?" You demanded, 'Shit' went through Aedion's head. "Nowhere," Leana innocently said, you arched an eyebrow. "Oh, really?" You replied. "What's with the knife?" You asked, narrowing your eyes at your oldest son. "Uhhh."
                    There was a heavy sigh coming from the stairs. "Leana," Gavriel starts. "We've told you-you're too young to be trained," Leana pouts at her father. "But, Daddy," Leana starts. "If you say Aedion started training at a young age then that is not helping your case."


                           Aedion, of course, decided to train Zade without your permission. I mean, Zade's practically a mini version of Aedion! He has Aedion's looks! He has most of your personality at least.
                            You found out at least four days after Aedion started training Zade. You keep a weapons case just in case, it's very well locked and you found it unlocked making you wonder what the hell happened. You found a key right next to the case, and you picked up a scent that made your blood boil. "AEDION ASHRYVER!!"


                            Celestia clung onto Fenrys' leg as he and Felix walked towards the forest. "Please, Daddy! I'll be a good girl!" Celestia pleaded. "Celestia, you need to be a lady, not a warrior," Fenrys told her. "Grandmama wasn't a lady! She was a warrior like you!" Celestia points out. "Go back home, sister. This is a male's job," Felix boasted. "How about you both return back home," you responded, you had your arms crossed and eyes narrowing at your mate. Felix and Celestia shared a look while Fenrys had his hands resting on the back of his head.
                              You allowed Fenrys to keep his sword and dagger but the rest of his weapons were taken by you and locked up in a weapons case. The next day, it was unlocked and you heard weapons clashing making you sigh. You give up.


                                   Blake understood that she was too young to learn how to defend herself, instead, she watches you and Lorcan train. She claps and cheers along whoever was winning with Nightmare and Nightmare Jr by her side.
                                    You suspected Blake had inherited your abilities to control the rock demons that you carry in your pouch, that's why Nightmare and Nightmare Jr were so calm around her. You lowered your blade, wiping some sweat from your forehead. "I think that's enough for today," you admitted. "Blake does look tired," Lorcan adds, Nightmare Jr was supporting Blake as she tilted to the side slightly. "Yeah. I'll take her up to be-" "I'll do it. Those two creatures of yours don't like me very much."


                                       After the first word accident, Kato is still determined to pick his father's sword up. "Chaol," you sighed, taking the sword from your son. "I thought I told you to stop leaving your sword around. Kato is more than ever determined to pick it up," you said. "I did put it away!" Chaol protests. "Then why is Kato playing with it?!?"
                                         "Kato," Chaol scolds, taking his sword from his five-year-old son. "Swords are not a toy. They're dangerous," Kato pouts at Chaol. "I know, Daddy. I wanna learn how to use it!" Kato said. "I wanna be a Captain of the Guard too!" Chaol's face softened a bit. "Maybe when you're older, okay? Just wait for five more years and then I can teach you." Kato pouts again. "Okay...."


                                      Luna had no problem of 'no training' rule. The only training she requires is 'princess' training and she was perfectly fine with it. "Back straight, Luna," you kindly reminded Luna, Luna huffed and straightened her back. "Lift your cup like a lady, take a lady sip, then back on the plate," you reminded, Luna did as she was told. "Mother, do I have to learn how to fight?" Luna asked. "Of course, not," Dorian answered, he kissed the top of her head. "That's why the guards are here," Luna giggled. "Including Uncle Chaol?" She asked. "Including your uncle Chaol." Dorian agreed. "Yay!"


                                    "Easy, Zachariah. Easy," Sartaq told his son. "I know you're eager to find your own ruk, but you need to remember. These creatures are alive and have feelings. Raise yours well," Zachariah nodded. "Yes, Father."
                                      Zachariah waited in the ruk nests for four days, watching the eggs, Sartaq comes by every once in a while to check on him, as Sartaq walked away, he heard. "Father! Father! I found my ruk!" Sartaq looked up to see Zachariah holding a ruk in his arms with a large smile. Your smile.


                                       You hated the idea of Sam training Sari but it was necessary. Who knows what Arobynn might do if he finds out about her. Sari already has several scars from the rough training Sam's putting her through. "Don't you think you're going too rough on her?" You once asked. "Celaena once broke her wrist while training with Arobynn, Y/n," Sam answered. "It's necessary for me to be rough on her." 
                                        And so, you let them be. Watching your daughter train with her father.

I'm slowly running out of ideas for this mini-series 😢 whoops.

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