Old Friends

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Pairing: Celaena Sardothien x reader
Warning: none
Note: you are twenty-two years old and was trained by Arobynn Hamel like Celaena, you and Celaena are old friends.
Requested by: no one

                                             You quietly sharpened your sword while leaning against a wall deep in the slums. You hid it when you saw guards and pulled it out again once they were no longer in sight. You stopped leaning against the wall and continued on your way.
                                              You pulled your hood over your head, you entered a bookshop and purchased a new book. You spotted a familiar blond also in the bookshop but you weren't sure if it was the girl you trained with. The girl looked up, her turquoise eyes meeting yours. Those eyes can't be mistaken. Celaena Sardothien is out of Endovier.
                                                Like old friends, you both started to catch up on things. It was rather an odd sight, to see a well-dressed girl speaking to another woman wearing men's clothing but neither of you cared.
                                                 The Crowned Prince and captain of the guard were also in the market, it was Chaol who spotted Celaena speaking to you. "I have no idea who she is," Dorian admits. "Nor do I," Chaol admits, glaring as the two girls left the bookstore together.
                                                  "So, Champion," you emphasized. "What's next?" Celaena shrugged. "Any guys?" You teased. "Well," Celaena starts then stops, you can tell she's staring at someone and you didn't look. "Run?" You suggested. "No," Celaena casually said. "Just friends of mine."
                                                   Celaena waved two men over and introduced them to you. The Crowned Prince of Rifthold and the captain of the guard. "What an odd choice of friends," you admitted. "It's not odd," Celaena protested, your eyes caught something or someone on the rooftops. "I need to go," you quickly said, you patted Celaena's shoulder. "It's good to see you again, old friend." Then you disappeared.

~time skip~

                                                 Chaol carries your limp body through the halls of Rifthold with Celaena hot on his heels. She doesn't need a story, she knew what happened to you and she will murder the people who did this to you. Dorian quickly caught up with them. "What happened?" He asked. "It seems to me the King of Assassins decided to send men after Y/n," Celaena growled. "And I will make sure those men will suffer."
                                                   The healers ran back and forth, taking care of your battered body while Celaena started tracking down the men responsible for this. You woke up shortly after the healers were done with you. "Easy there," Chaol told you. "Celaena. Where is she?" You demanded, struggling to get up from the bed. "She's tracking them down," said Dorian. "No. No. You need to find her," you told them. "I don't want her ending up in Endovier again."
                                                     Chaol had set out to look for Celaena and managed to convince her to come back. "Why? Why don't you want to kill them?!" Celaena demands. "They're not worth it," you replied. "They're not worth going after," Celaena scowls. "Celaena, as a friend, I am asking you not to go after them. At least do that for me."
                                                      Celaena hated what you asked for her to do but agreed, she dropped hunting down the men and stayed with you instead, watching you heal and letting Fleetfoot play with you.
                                                       Eventually, you were well enough to leave and you did. That was the last time you saw Celaena Sardothien, the next time you saw the girl with golden hair and turquoise eyes, she was Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, not Celaena Sardothien. And you will follow her to whatever end.

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