Shy But Bossy

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Pairing: Chaol Westfall x reader
Warning: none
Note: N/A
Requested by: no one

                                             "I see you have more suitors," Dorian chuckled to his friend, Chaol blushed slightly. "As if you don't," Chaol grumbled. "It's normal for me to have women flocking me. You, on the other hand, is something else," said Dorian. "Oh? Isn't your mother pestering you to finally choose someone?" Chaol fires back. "That is entirely something else." "Keep telling yourself that."
                                                Dorian was about to fire back only for a light and feminine voice to break in, "Oh! I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to stumble into you both," Chaol blinked several times, he saw a servant blushing fiercely. "Oh, it's fine," Dorian quickly said. "You happened to stop an argument between the Captain and me," the servant seemed to relax a bit. "Oh. Well, I hope you both find a solution to it," the servant said, she then hurried away and Dorian shouted after her, "What's your name?" But she never responded back.   
                                                   Dorian had to attend a meeting while Chaol had to deal with trainees, it wasn't very pleasant. One of the trainees caused his shoulder to be dislocated and sprained his ankle. Ress had to help him back to his room and send a healer up there.
                                                     The servant from before slipped inside. "I thought you were a servant," Chaol admits, she's already taken care of his dislocated shoulder and is now taking care of his ankle. "A lot of people mistake me for one, Captain," she softly said. "It's probably because of how I dress," Chaol took a quick look of her clothing and he admitted she did look like one. "Thankfully, your ankle is only sprained," she finally said after examining his ankle. "Should take a few days for it to fully heal. I recommend not putting any weight on your ankle during those days and if the pain gets to a point where you can't tolerate it I'll leave you some healing tonic behind for you to take." She said as she carefully wrapped his ankle up.
                                                      She continued giving Chaol some medical orders but all Chaol could think of is how his men would not let him live after all of this is over. He didn't realize the next day that she would come back to check on him when she found out he had left his bed for his duties she had forced him into bed rest and nominated Brullo to be the temporary Captain until Chaol was well enough.
                                                         "This is ridiculous," Chaol grumbled. "Perhaps you should have been paying more attention to your trainees, Captain," Y/n snaps, he found out her name not too long ago. "It was unexpected," Chaol protests. "Unexpected or not, you should have kept your guard up," said Y/n. "There. You're done for today. And if I find you hobbling around I will sit on you myself."
                                                            Dorian just happens to be right outside the door when he heard her say that and couldn't help but chuckle. Y/n bowed for him then quickly hurried away. Dorian shut the door and bursts out laughing. "A woman threatens to sit on you! Hahahahaha!" Chaol's face flushed in embarrassment. He didn't what's worse, Dorian laughing at him for a woman threatening to sit on him or his men never letting him live when they found out a trainee caused him to dislocate his shoulder and sprain his ankle.
                                                            Eventually, Chaol was able to walk on his own. His ankle no longer throbbed with pain. Y/n was reluctant to let him, she ordered one more day of bed rest before letting him go officially. She may be shy at first but damn, she's bossy once you get to know her.

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