Time Manipulating

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Pairing: Rowan Whitethorn x child!reader
Warning: none
Note: N/A
Requested by: no one

                                               Luca sat on the floor with Y/n, a little Fae girl Malakai and Emrys took in, sitting on Luca's lap. Her hand had some sort of green symbol like a bracelet, she twisted her hand to the right, turning the apple that sat on the floor about ten feet away from Luca and Y/n, rot and Y/n twisted her hand to the left and the apple returned to how it looked before.

                                               "Careful now, darling," Emrys warned the young Fae girl. "If Maeve or the Prince finds out about you they will take you away from Malakai and I. You don't want that, do you?" Y/n shook her head as a no furiously. "Good. Now, who would like to lick the spoon?"

                                                  Rowan walked into the kitchen, making note of the little girl that sat next to Malakai with a spoon in her mouth. Malakai was carving an apple into a shape of a bunny, he placed it down on the plate and pushed the plate over to the girl. The little girl jumped from her seat and handed Emrys the spoon before running back and up the seat and eating the apple.

                                                   "Hello, Prince," Emrys greeted. "I see you've met Y/n. Sweet little girl she is, one of the main reasons why Malakai and I took her in," said Emrys. Y/n hopped down from the seat again, handing Emrys the empty plate. "How old is she?" Rowan demands, crossing his arms. "Five!" Y/n happily said, pulling over a little stool to stand on and help Emrys with the dishes. "Yes, Prince. Y/n is indeed five-years-old," Emrys agreed. "Any more questions, Prince?"

                                                      Rowan sat beside Malakai, observing Y/n. Something about her intrigued Rowan, the question is, what? Y/n was young, very young, her parents either had died or abandoned her. If her parents had abandoned her and Malakai found her then she was in the same place as Lorcan when he was a child but the only difference between the two is that Malakai found Y/n, brought her back to his mate, and they both care and love the young girl.

                                                       A plate breaking broke Rowan from his thoughts, green magic was flickering in and out and the plate was back in the young girl's hands, in perfect condition. The next thing Y/n knew, she was over Rowan's shoulders, crying for Emrys or Malakai.

                                                       "Lemme go!" Y/n demanded, attempting to squirm out of Rowan's iron grip on her. She and the Fae Prince were already far away from Mistward but Y/n will take her chances of navigating her way back, she was unable to use her magic because of Rowan pinning her arms down.

                                                           The only sensible thing Y/n could think of doing was bite Rowan and she did. He didn't expect it so he was unable to catch her the first time but the second Gavriel had caught her and kept a tight grip on her. Gavriel was on his way to Mistward and caught the sight of Rowan trying to catch the young girl that was running. Rowan and Gavriel arrived in Doranelle and Gavriel presented Y/n to Maeve.

                                                           "Time manipulation?" Maeve repeated. "I never heard of such a thing," Maeve admits. "Majesty, she's too young to take the oath," Gavriel spoke. "And?" Maeve replies. "Either she takes the oath or she will be placed in the front lines."

                                                               Y/n tugged on her restraints in the large bedroom, the one with dark hair, Lorcan, had dragged her in here and let a servant strap her to a crib. The opening of the crib had some sort of magic, keeping her from jumping out and running away. With the restraints holding her down, it was impossible to get out by herself.

                                                                Maybe, just maybe, she can use her magic and manipulate time. She managed to wiggle her hand around and the ring of time manipulation flickered to life, she twisted her hand to the left and time started to fly by quickly. She found herself back in Mistward's kitchen with Luca, Malakai, and Emrys, before Rowan had walked in.

                                                                "Y/n?" Luca said, noticing the ring of magic. "Are you okay?" He worriedly asked, Y/n looked down at her hand and the magic faded away. "Fine," she said, smiling at Luca. "I was just thinking."

                                                                   She learned her mistake from the past, she was careful with the plate and she wasn't taken away by Rowan. When night fell, Malakai tucked Y/n into bed and pressed a soothing kiss to her forehead and Emrys did the same.

                                                                     Everything is fine. Everything turned out okay and that's all that mattered. She was home, she was safe, she was back with her two dads, nothing to worry about.

I'm sorry for not updating in the last two or so days. My school's WiFi no longer supports Wattpad or Tumblr, deeming them both too "mature" so I have to use data in order to do anything on Wattpad and I absolutely hate using data. Anyway, thanks for reading! Signing off for now, CT.

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