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Pairing: Gavriel x reader
Warning: Maeve(duh)
Note: part 3 of Hieroglyphics
Requested by: @snorretje2001

                                "You were a fool," Rowan muttered to Gavriel as he filled in another tattoo. "I wouldn't call myself a fool," Gavriel replied. "What I saw, Rowan, it was brilliant and fascinating. If I told Maeve the truth, she would have sent you and Lorcan to have them killed," said Gavriel. "Can you imagine yourself murdering children?"

                                  Y/n finds herself at the relic where she and Gavriel had tumbled out of together, it brought back some good memories. And some bad. Y/n softly smiled to herself, it's been a while after what happened after Apophis and his defeat. Y/n had gone off to college, leaving her cousins behind as the leaders of Brooklyn House.

                                  No one from the Brooklyn House knew she was back yet, she wanted to surprise them. Well, almost no one knew. "I see you returned," said Anubis as Walt. "Didn't take you long to find me," said Y/n, picking up her belongings and Walt/Anubis grabbed the last bag. "No, it did not," Walt/Anubis agreed. "Come. Your cousins will be happy to see and so will Zia."

                                  Khufu hooted when he saw his longtime friend entering the 21st Nome in such a long time. "Hello, Khufu," Y/n laughs, hugging the eager baboon. "Yeah, I'm back. I'll be here for Christmas and a few days after that, but I have to go back to Stanford."

                                   Yes, Y/n got into Stanford, with a full ride too. It surprised so many people but Y/n got in, many people told her she wouldn't get into Stanford because of her tattoos. Oh, how the tide turned and she shoved that right into their faces.

                                    As soon as Y/n reached the top step, she was bombarded with hugs from the older trainees. There were more than Y/n remembered, more and more kids around the world came to Brooklyn to learn from Carter and Sadie and Y/n couldn't be any prouder for her two cousins.

                                   "About time you came to visit," said Sadie. "Sadie," Walt scolded, Y/n could tell Anubis wanted to scold too. "What? It's true," said Sadie. "Anyway, Y/n," Carter cuts in. "Welcome home, it was a bit difficult not having you around at first but we managed," said Carter. "I can tell," said Y/n, looking around the house. "Damn, it hasn't changed much."

                                      Y/n's room was left untouched by the others including Carter and Sadie. The only time they entered was to grab some ingredients for potion brewing and that was about it. Y/n placed her belongings back into place, she sat down on a chair right where she left her tattoo machine. She didn't bring it with her since she didn't want her dorm leader to start yelling at her for bringing it.

                                      Christmas came and went and so did Y/n but she again returned to Brooklyn House for the summer. She, again, stood at the relic, wondering how Gavriel was doing. "You know, you can always visit him," said Walt from behind. "I know," said Y/n. "But it's dangerous for me too. His queen is still angry at him for refusing to tell her anything, I don't want to make things worse, Walt," Y/n told him. "Who knows what can happen."

~time skip~

                                     The very next day, Sadie, Carter, Walt, and Y/n stood in front of the relic. "I still say this is a bad idea," Y/n said. "Oh, come on, Y/n. It can't be that bad," said Sadie. "Open the bloody portal and take us there." Walt and Carter sigh in unison. "I just hope Maeve is in a good mood."

                                      Oh, how wrong Y/n was. She was on her knees, hands tied behind her back tightly, all of her wax figures destroyed and her staff was snapped in half. Gavriel was also on his knees, Lorcan holding him back. "Well, well. I suppose I should welcome you back, you little bitch," Maeve coldly said. "My cousin is not a bitch!" Sadie shouts, Y/n shot her a glare that said "shut up, Sadie. You're making things worse" and Maeve laughs. "Cousin? My, neither of you look alike," Maeve laughs again. "Rowan, do you have the whip."

                                      Y/n stiffens as a blood-sworn dragged Sadie out, she can hear Carter shouting for the blood sworn to release Sadie. "Ten strikes, show no mercy," said Maeve, Rowan raised the whip. "Stop."

                                       All eyes went to Y/n. "What. Do. You. Want?" Y/n snarled, her combat avatar flickering in and out. "I want you to take the blood oath to me or your cousin will die at Rowan's hand," Gavriel visibly tensed. Taking the blood oath to Maeve will be suicide to Y/n, she may be powerful but she's still human. "Don't," Gavriel hoarsely told Y/n, Lorcan used the hilt of his dagger to shut Gavriel up. "You can hurt me as much as you want but if you touch a single strand of my cousin's hair I will hang you by your God Damn intestines and your head will be on a pike."

                                       The next thing Carter, Sadie, and Walt knew, they were thrown into some sort of dungeon. They can hear the sounds of whips cracking and a lion roaring and pleading. Gavriel. He must be struggling to break out of Lorcan's grip. "She's praying," Walt murmured softly. "To who?" Sadie asked. "To Anubis and Osiris."

                                      "She's not going to die, she's not. She can't die," said Carter, grabbing the bars. "Come on. We need to break free. Walt, can Anubis do anything?" Carter asked Walt. "Anubis is visiting Y/n right now, he's telling her to hold on," Walt told him. "Sadie, Ha-di spell. G"

                                       "I wouldn't bother," a blood-sworn said, opening the cell door. "Come on, your cousin is barely alive. Gavriel and Rowan are healing her as best as they can."

                                         The blood sworn was Fenrys, the trio learned. As Carter, Sadie, and Walt got closer, they can hear screaming and begging from Y/n. Fenrys opened the door and Carter almost lost his lunch, his cousin's back is completely destroyed, blood oozed out from the top to her waistline. Sadie charged at Rowan only for Walt to hold her back and noticed that Rowan was using magic to heal her cousin's back.

                                         The three stepped out of the room, letting the Fae heal Y/n as best they could. After hours of waiting, the door opened again, Gavriel stepped out, looking tired as hell. "You can see if you want, she's fallen unconscious mind you but you can still see her."

                                         Y/n's back was now clear from the tattoos, her back was now red and raw from all of the healing and whipping she got, not only that, she has so many scars. "I hate her," Sadie whispered. "I hate the woman who did this to her," Sadie whispered. "Remember, Maeve isn't a woman, she's a Fae," Gavriel told her. "And believe me, I hate her as much as you do. Y/n didn't deserve and neither did you three."

                                          Walt had to carry Y/n back to the relic, Gavriel and Rowan escorted the trio there while Fenrys made sure Maeve was busy in the bedroom. Walt handed Gavriel a Shen amulet, quickly explaining if he wanted to talk to Y/n, use the amulet to do it then the trio stepped into the portal with the unconscious girl.

                                           Never again will they visit Wendlyn, never again will they see Y/n injured by Maeve's hands. Perhaps the memory potion will come in handy.

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