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Pairing: Terrasen court x reader ft special guests!
Warning: torture, blood, broken bones, and more
Note: another crossover! I'm obsessed with doing these.
Requested by: no one

                                               "You're insane," Aelin spat at the man before her making him laugh maniacally. "Oh, believe me, darling. I am," said the man. "Who the rutting hell are you?" Aedion snarled. "Oh, everyone knows me!" The man laughs. "I'm the Joker."

                                                  The Joker's been silent, too silent to some people. Vigilante, Nightmare, leaned against a desk as Red Robin searched through the cameras of Gotham City. "I don't like this," Nightmare murmured. "Neither do I," Red Robin agreed. "There has to be something," said Nightwing, tossing escrima sticks back and forth in his hands. "Are you sure Commissioner said there hasn't been anything about Joker, Bats?" Nightmare asked. "None," Batman replied. "That can't be right," Red Hood muttered. "He's never this quiet," said Red Hood. "Not unless he's actually being quiet about his plan," Nightmare points out. "She's right," Red Robin agreed, the screen flickered and Joker's face popped up.

                                                      "Heeeeeello, Batsy!" Joker laughs. "Guess what? I caught myself some strange people! I hope they work for you!" Joker laughs, the camera moved and showed a teen girl and a young man hanging over boiling acid. What makes things worse is that Nightmare knew who they were. "The girlie can use fire! She can summon fire!" Joker laughs. "And these folks?" Joker continues, moving the camera revealing a man and another teen girl. The man was heavily tattooed with silver hair, and the girl had dark hair and piercing green eyes. "Tick tock, the clock is going."

                                                        An engine reeved, a motorbike left the Batcave and Nightmare was driving it. Red Hood and Nightwing quickly chased after her with the other bikes, how did Nightmare know where Joker was is a question they will have to ask later. If Nightmare kept going at this speed she might blow the engine but she didn't dare slow down. How dare Joker hold her son and niece hostage?

                                                       Without a problem, Nightmare jumped off the bike and swung herself through the open window of the warehouse. She found Joker swinging a crowbar back and forth, humming to himself, he stopped in front of Rowan. Yes, she knew Rowan, she knew the cadre, she knew the queen he served for but what she didn't know is why Rowan now journeyed with her niece and son. She caught the scent of "shapeshifter" coming from the girl.

                                                         "Well, well. Time is slowly going!" Joker laughs. "Harley! Let them drop!" Joker shouts. "You got it, Mista J!" Harley replies, she hit a button and the two chains dropped drastically. Nightmare's heart stopped beating then started back up again when they barely touched the acid. "So," Joker starts as Nightmare moved to free Aelin first. "Who gets beaten by my crowbar?" Nightmare stiffens, not again. Not another Jason accident. Nightmare quickly freed Aelin, helping her out of the warehouse then quickly freed Aedion.

                                                           "You," said Joker, using the crowbar to point at Rowan. "You look like you can handle this type of pain!" Joker laughs, a Batarang flew directly at Joker's hand, knocking the crowbar out of his hand making Joker hiss. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," said Nightmare from behind, Harley was already unconscious. "Well, well! Little Nightmare is here!" Joker laughs, turning to face her. "I'm not here for fun and games, Jack," Nightmare spat. "Oooh, going back to old names, eh?" Joker laughs. "How about you, Skyler?" Joker replied. "Ha! How wrong of you to use my fake name," Nightmare snarls. "Oh, I know so much about you, Nightmare," Joker replied. "The young and beautiful Queen of Nightmares! You bring fear through mentality with a single touch of your index and middle finger, you bring a person's fear to reality, and that is how you earned your name," Joker laughs. "Oh, I wished you were a villain, you and I could have been such excellent friends!" Joker laughs. "You don't know anything about me," Nightmare hissed. "Yes, you know some things but that barely scraps the surface," she hissed, she was suddenly in front of Joker, index and middle finger hovering over Joker's forehead. "I'll enjoy bringing your fears to reality."

                                                                  The world around Joker disappeared, revealing a house and a woman with two children. The woman was Harley and the two children were hers along with Jokers. "How cute," Nightmare's voice echoed in his mind. "You want to start a family with little Miss. Harleen Quenzel? How adorable," Nightmare laughs. "Too bad you turned her into your little murder weapon," she hissed. "You could have had all of this but no. You decided murdering hundreds, of millions of people is better, to please your sick sense of humor. You don't care who you kill as long as they die in the way you laugh the most," Nightmare snarled. "And now, I will be the one laughing as you be in pain."

                                                                   Aedion and Aelin were freeing Rowan and Lysandra as the Joker laid on the floor, having what looked like a seizure. "Oh, I'm sorry," Nightmare's voice echoed again. "Are you in pain, Jack?" Nightmare asked. "Now you know how those people you've killed felt," she snarled. "Are you having fun, Jack? Isn't this fun?" Nightmare laughs. "You've taken the lives of mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, lovers, and more and now you tried to take my son and my niece's lives when you've already taken the life of a dear friend of mine and you. will. pay."

                                                                    All of a sudden, Nightmare reappeared with a shotgun in her hand, aiming straight for Joker's forehead. "Nightmare!" Batman warned. "You've done enough," he told her. "Enough? Enough?!" Nightmare repeated. "This man deserves death, he deserves to die in the most painful way as possible," Nightmare sneered. "Tell me, Batman. Doesn't he make you sick? He's murdered so many of your beloved people and yet you still let him live when you know he can break free from the gods damn asylum and murder even more people!" She snarled. "He does," Batman admits. "But if you kill him, you cross the line, once you cross the line you can never come back from it," Nightmare's shoulders started to shake. "I've already crossed that line when I first went to battle."

                                                                      She didn't kill Joker, she let him live and that is a question that lingered in the minds of Joker's victims. "Why didn't you kill him?" Aedion murmured as his mother, Y/n, wrapped gauze around his shoulder. "Because he's right," Y/n replied. "If I cross that line, I will never come back. I locked a monster away when you were placed in my care, if I killed one person, just one, that monster will be free and I can't reel it back in. I won't be who you remember me to be, Aedion. I will forever be a monster."

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