A Little Talk

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So, I just watched MatPat from The Game Theorist talk about his friend, Ronnie, who had recently committed suicide. I don't know who Ronnie is since I've very recently discovered The Game Theorist, honestly, I started crying at the end. I know MatPat, I know him because of different YouTubers but I've never seen him cry, never seen him break down like that. From all the videos that I watched that featured him, I've seen him smiling, laughing, and having a good time with whoever the heck he's with. What makes it worse is that Ronnie died a day before Matt's son was born. I've had suicidal thoughts before a couple of times, mainly because my mom is screaming at me that I won't survive society if I don't do well in school. It's going to be worse now since I'm a rising junior so SATs, ACTs, colleges, universities college applications, keeping my GPA on point, all of that will be thrown at me and it's going to be hell. I'm confident about the reading part of the SAT but the math portion is what scares me. I have a math disability, I can't do mental math, even the simplest mental math either you have to give me five minutes or get me a calculator. My mother just thinks I don't give a shit about school so screaming seems to be the only way of getting me to do anything. She only wants the best of me but screaming does not help, I'm always in my older brother's shadow like how Connall is with Fenrys. My older brother got into the best college in my state, so the pressure is really on now. The pressure is even worse because of a state required test that I have to take as a junior which starts in March then I have to take at least three more later on during the year. If I don't pass them, no graduation. One of you already know about this but I just wanted to let it all out again, and when I say "thanks for reading" I really do mean it. It really makes my day to see someone comment that this chapter is great or cute or fluffy or whatever they comment. I think I need to take a break from writing for a bit, collect my thoughts, when I come back, I won't be completely fine but okay enough to start writing again. Thanks for reading my rant or whatever it's called. CT, out.

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