Her Call

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Pairing: cadre x reader
Warning: none
Note: part 2 of Losts. Well, kinda.
Requested by: no one

                                              "Where is she?" Maeve demands. "Just a little longer, Majesty," Gavriel answered, his eyes scanning the area, wondering where in this good world Y/n could be. Out of the blue, a message arrived for Gavriel, telling him to tell Maeve to meet at this specific place and time with all of her blood sworn. "She's certainly taking her time," Connall muttered, arms folded. "She might have run into trouble," Rowan adds. "Rowan, scout. I want to know what is taking so long." Maeve ordered, Rowan shifted into a hawk and flew off.

                                                Several miles away, Rowan spotted a huge army marching towards where Y/n had ordered them to meet. Standing on a cliff was Y/n and Vicerion. Vicerion had grown the last time Rowan had seen him, he's much bigger now, big enough to destroy a kingdom at most. Vicerion lowered his wing, allowing his mistress to use his wing to climb onto its back, Vicerion then took flight.

                                                If it were up to Vicerion, he would have shot Rowan straight out of the air before Rowan could even realize what just happened but Y/n stopped him. The army from below followed Y/n and Vicerion and behind were two more dragons, they weren't as large as Vicerion but big enough to be a threat. Vicerion landed at least a hundred feet away from where Maeve sat with her blood sworn by her side.

                                                Again, Vicerion lowered his wing, allowing his mistress to use it as a staircase to get off of his back. Vicerion released a frosty breath, covering Y/n but once it was all gone Y/n has changed into a completely different person. There was another roar, but that roar did not belong to a dragon, it belonged to a tiger. A Fae male rode on a tiger, the other two dragons landed by Vicerion, four men had metal chains, keeping the two younger dragons from doing anything.

                                               Rowan shifted, he landed in front of Maeve then moved to stand beside her. Y/n motioned for the male on the tiger's back to follow her, Vicerion started to follow too until Y/n gave him an order to fly. The male stopped the tiger once Y/n was close to Maeve for speaking distance. "Greetings, Majesty," Y/n sarcastically said, bowing deeply. "I thought you were dead," Maeve hissed. "That's why I have no control of you any longer," it was true, Y/n had somehow faked her death, allowing Maeve to believe she was dead. "Perhaps you weren't as wise and mighty as you had thought," Y/n replied, smirking. "Believe me when I say I will go to war if you try to conquer any of my three dragons, the other two may be young but they are old enough to know you are not their master. You are the enemy."

                                               Vicerion landed behind Y/n, his tail gently looping around her. "Vicerion is the oldest amongst his two brothers and he knows that you are a danger to many," said Y/n. "I suggest you stay in your border and we shall stay in ours. Your blood sworn may come and go as they please but if they are here to hurt any of my people, my dragons, or myself that action will be an act of war," Y/n continued. "From one queen to another, I do hope you will take my warning very seriously."

                                                And with that, Y/n climbs onto Vicerion's back once more, allowing her dragon to take flight again. Her army started to back away, along with her male. The tiger roared one last time before disappearing after Y/n and Vicerion.

                                                 Never in her life has Maeve ever been threatened, especially by a child. A child who has no idea how to lead a kingdom. Gavriel was sent to see what it was like there and when he returned, he reported how well Y/n's kingdom was doing. It was prospering, there were many people there, living happily, selling and trading their goods with one another, the armies Y/n had were powerful and strong. Not only did she have humans in her armies, she had Fae males and females as well and several witches. How did Y/n convince them to join her army will forever be a question that no one can answer but her.

                                                  Lorcan, Rowan, Gavriel, and Fenrys could only hope that Maeve will never start a war with Y/n or that they have to be the ones who fight in it.

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