A New Kingdom

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Pairing: cadre x reader
Warning: none
Note: part 3 of Losts.
Requested by: no one

                                                Gavriel led the way to the throne room with Terriden by his side. Terriden was the Fae male that rode the tiger when Y/n met Maeve. The silver and gold doors opened, sitting on an ivory throne was Y/n and Vicerion was coiled up behind Y/n but his head rested in her lap.

                                                 "Hello, Gavriel. Rowan, Lorcan, Fenrys. You all look well," Y/n said, she patted Vicerion's head and he lifted his head up so that his mistress can walk down the stairs that led up to her throne. "What brings you four to my kingdom?" She softly asked, Vicerion released a breath, changing the dress Y/n wore to an ivory jacket and tight ivory trousers.

                                                   "Curiosity," Gavriel spoke up. "You've already been here, Gavriel," Y/n points out. "It's been years, Majesty. Things can change during years," Gavriel replies. "Indeed, they can. Come, allow me to show you around."

                                                    Y/n stood on a platform, she held her arms out then fell backward. Rowan lunged for her, forgetting her had magic to stop her only to miss and something caught her before she hit the ground. A dragon. It wasn't as big as Vicerion but big enough to ride on its back.

                                                     "I assume you'll be flying as a hawk, Rowan?" Y/n asked, Rowan silently nodded. "Well, get on."

                                                        Fenrys rode behind Y/n on Vicerion while two other riders rode Draynor and Verion with Lorcan and Gavriel sitting behind each rider while Rowan flew beside Y/n, Fenrys, and Vicerion. Fenrys looked down, amazed by the view and the town below.

                                                         A group of children stopped running, they all looked up and cheered. Because of their enhanced hearing, the four males can hear the children shouting, "Mother!" Over and over again. "Why "Mother"?" Fenrys called over the roaring wind. "Because I freed them from shackles!" Y/n calls back. "Most of my people are from Terresan! My men attacked the Adarlanian soldiers and escorted them back here! Adarlan would be a fool to attack me!"

                                                         Vicerion circled around what looked like the middle part of the market. It was big enough for the three dragons to land, Fenrys jumped off and held his arms out for Y/n. She slid off and Fenrys caught her, he placed her down then she was bombarded with hugs and squealing from the children.

                                                        "Hi, Vicerion!" Several children giggled, rubbing the dragon's snout. Several other children were rubbing the snouts of Draynor and Verion. The people were so kind and friendly to their queen, it was obvious she was a kind and fair ruler unlike Maeve. It would make sense for people to flee to her kingdom.

                                                          The children pulled Y/n along, showing her the new shops that came into business with the cadre tailing behind. Vicerion huffs and lays down as did the other two dragons. Flowers started to rain down on them, people were chanting, "Mother" over and over again as Y/n passed by them.

                                                            Gavriel smiles but then it fades away when he remembered the main reason why Maeve sent him and the other three to Y/n's kingdom. To assassinate her. And to have proof that they did it, Maeve wanted her head. Maeve wants her gone, she wants Y/n's three beasts for herself. But if what Y/n said was true, then Maeve has no power over the three beasts.

                                                            "We have our orders, Gavriel. And we will follow them." Is what Lorcan said, Gavriel can tell Lorcan hated the idea of assassinating Y/n too, they all did. Especially when her people loved her so dearly. If they came back empty handed then Maeve will never let them live in peace.

                                                             "I would rather die than kill her," Fenrys murmured to Gavriel. "As do I," Rowan agrees. "We all do," said Gavriel. "Except for Lorcan. You know how deeply he cares for Maeve," Rowan adds, they heard Y/n's soft laughter. How can they kill such a sweet female like that?

                                                                When it became dark, the four stood in a dome as Y/n tended to her three mighty beasts. Draynor and Verion were already asleep while Vicerion was still up. Rowan shared a look with Gavriel, they had a silent argument and Rowan ended up winning making Gavriel sigh.

                                                                "Y/n?" Gavriel said and she hummed as her answer. "We need to talk," Y/n stopped cleaning Vicerion's wing and turned around to face them. "I have a feeling that it's going to be a bad talk," she said. "Your feeling is right," Lorcan grunted. "What is it?" She demands. "There's a reason why we came here. We were sent here to kill you."

                                                                    Y/n had an idea how to keep Maeve from discovering Y/n's still alive. Glamour. She can set up a huge dome around her kingdom with a glamour, making it look like the four males destroyed her kingdom and her beasts had died alongside with Y/n, apparently when their masters or mistresses die they die with them.

                                                                     A sculptor made an exact replica of Y/n's head then sent them on their way back. Surprisingly, Maeve did nothing, she lashed out at them, yes, but other than that, there was nothing else. As long as Y/n's kingdom still stood, that's all that matters.

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