New Type of Magic

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Pairing: Gavriel x reader
Warning: none
Note: part 2 of Hieroglyphics
Requested by: no one

                                                Amos deemed it was because of Y/n Gavriel was able to use the relic for a portal to Brooklyn. The way their magic works fascinated Gavriel to no end, hieroglyphics will appear in mid-air and the last hieroglyphic will finish the spell the user wants.

                                                Magicians, or at least the ones who follow the path of the gods, can cast combat avatars like Carter and Y/n. Carter is Horus, the God of War, Y/n is a mix of each and every god. She can cast so many different types of magic in one go but it drains her energy quickly if she switches around too much.

                                                  Since Y/n was the oldest of the trainees, including her two cousins, she was looked up to the most. Yes, it was her cousins who sent out the voice recorder to the world where the kids who can use the Egyptian way of magic to come to Brooklyn, to learn how to channel their magic.

                                                  Y/n taught many classes but her top class is potion brewing. Making potions isn't that easy, it's difficult and a bit deadly if you're not careful. You have to be careful of what you add or you might end up losing your life just like that but since Y/n's mother was a potion master, her mother taught her the basics and how not to die and left a book of the safest ways of brewing potions.

                                                     Then came hand-to-hand combat, another subject Y/n was good at too. She's fast, efficient, and showed no mercy, even though they were children. Especially to Carter. Whenever Y/n wasn't training Carter, Gavriel took over with helping Carter improve.

                                                      Gavriel has been watching Y/n train for the past four days, he studied her techniques, her footing, and how much strength she's putting in each blow. Her fighting techniques reminded Gavriel of Fenrys and Rowan in a strange way, Y/n has a bit of a dark humor and has a love for archery(her dark humor is not as big as Fenrys') and she's very powerful when using magic. She might have a chance to rival Rowan if they ever came to fight one another, even Lorcan if he wanted to.

                                                      Other than combat magic, there was defense magic too, another magic Y/n excelled at. Everyone calls her jack-of-all-trades since she's good at everything, it wasn't really fair for the trainees since she's known about magic and had training for years, unlike the others. The trainees(including Carter and Sadie) are greatly at a disadvantage.

                                                       Cleo told Gavriel that Y/n had wanted to see him, with the directions Cleo had told Gavriel, Gavriel found Y/n's room. The entire room was dark blue and stars flickering in and out as if the walls were actually the sky, on the side was Egyptian armor made for a female and a sword on the side.

                                                       "I see you finally found your way here," said Y/n, she was sitting on the stone railing, looking out of the city of Brooklyn. "This place is huge," Gavriel points out, walking over to her. "True, but I assume Cleo gave you directions," said Y/n. "Your queen, Maeve, wouldn't she be angry for you disappearing like this?" Gavriel glanced at Y/n. "She would be, she'd be demanding answers if I ever came back too. What can you do, what are you like, do you have any allies, and so on," said Gavriel. "Do you want to go back?" Y/n asked. "If I don't then my punishment will be far worse."

~mini time skip~

                                                    Y/n handed Gavriel a potion as they stood by a relic. "What's this?" Gavriel asked her. "Memory potion," she told him. "It wipes out what you saw, what you learned, everything that's happened to you these past couple days," she told him. "I'm not forcing you to take it and neither is my father. It's entirely your choice," said Y/n. Gavriel stared at the strange liquid in the vial, he handed her the potion back. "She can torture me as much as she wants but I won't break," said Gavriel. "I will never break. Especially for you, the trainees, your cousins, your father, and everyone else in Brooklyn House."

                                                    Y/n opened a portal and Gavriel stepped through it. The portal shut behind Gavriel, he sighs and looks forward to seeing Lorcan and Rowan. "About time," Lorcan growls. "Maeve is not happy with you."

                                                     When Y/n returned to Brooklyn House and to her bedroom, she noticed Gavriel had left a gift for her. It was a tattoo machine with every color that could exist sitting on a table, there was a note attached to the machine so she pulled it off.

I meant every word, Y/n Kane. I will never break, Maeve can throw whatever she wants at me and I won't break. I noticed you were curious about my tattoos, I left you a book with translations of each tattoo I have, your kind will not be able to speak mine. I also left you the machine for a reason, when I see you again, I hope to see tattoos of your own whether the tattoos are written in hieroglyphics or not, the choice is yours and yours alone.


                                                   Y/n found the book Gavriel was talking about, she opened it and started reading it. In the book, Gavriel explained the tattoos are names of his fallen soldiers, and that is how he honors their memory. Y/n picked up the right sized needle and the color she had wanted and started to write her own story.

                                                    One day, she will see Gavriel again. One day, she will see if Gavriel kept his word. Until then, she will her own story, she will tell it through ink.

                                                     By the time the first part of the story was done, Y/n's arms stung and ached but she didn't care, she didn't cry out in pain, she savored it all. When she came down for dinner, everyone stopped and stared at the new tattoos on her arms, hieroglyphics ran up and down her arms, some were in English, some were in different languages.

                                                     Each day, a new tattoo will appear on Y/n's skin. Walt normally did the tattoos where she couldn't reach. "Everyone has been asking the same question," Walt told her, using a wet towel to wipe her newest tattoo. "Where did you get a tattoo machine? Did it magically appear?" Y/n laughs lightly. "A friend left it for me."

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