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Pairing: Gavriel x reader
Warning: none
Note: crossover with TWD! You and Elide were separated from your group. Also! You and Gavriel are well, mates making Aedion your son in a way. 
Requested by: no one

                                               You made sure Elide made it to the sturdiest tree branch before climbing up the tree yourself, you've set up traps as she climbed. You then pulled yourself up the tree branch, you glanced at Elide before telling her, "Get some rest. I'll stay up." Elide knew there was no point in arguing so she got comfortable and slept.
                                              Your hand stayed on your sniper rifle, ready to aim and fire at whatever Walker that threatened you and Elide. Your mind wandered off to thinking about your mate, Gavriel, along with his son, Aedion. How angry your brother was when he found out you've mated Gavriel but it was no use. A mate is a mate.

                                             You quietly started to murmur prayers to yourself, "Mala, guide Aelin Fireheart to safety. Mora, watch over Rowan. Hellas, guide my brother, point him to the right direction. Mala, guide Aedion to safety. Tempis, guide my beloved mate back to me."
                                            You continued murmuring the same prayers over and over again until it was morning. You climbed down first then Elide, you caught Elide once she was close to the ground then placed her down then continued on your way.

                                            "You were praying again," Elide softly spoke up. "I was," you agreed. "Why? Did it bother you?" You asked, Elide shook her head. "No, it just makes me wonder if the gods heard you." Said Elide, a branch snapped and you have your sniper rifle up and aimed at whoever stood behind you two.

                                             It was a man, his name is Aaron and he offered you and Elide to come with him to a community. There's food, shelter, water, and walls to keep the Walkers out. Safety, complete safety. "I know you don't believe me," said Aaron, he carefully pulled out pictures and proof that this community exists.

                                             You and Elide shared a look, wondering if you should go or if Aaron is telling a lie. "You two seem like good people," Aaron said. "We need more good people in our community." Elide finally spoke, "We'll go."

                                              And you did. Elide was happy to see people again while you were on the edge. Without your sniper rifle, you can't defend yourself or Elide but you were able to keep your knives and daggers. Aaron was right, though. There was shelter, food, water, walls, and people.

                                             Not far from the walls, you saw an abandoned church so you brought some candles and lit it up so you could properly pray. You weren't alone though. Spencer, Deana(the leader's) son came along with you and you didn't like him very much.

                                             You softly said the same prayer you said every night, "Mala, guide Aelin Fireheart to safety. Mora, watch over Rowan. Hellas, guide my brother, point him to the right direction. Mala, guide Aedion to safety. Tempis, guide my beloved mate back to me."

                                            Those prayers were important to you, those people were important to you. Lorcan was important to Elide as much as he is to you, Aelin is important to her as much as she is to you, all of those prayers, you hope that they are heard.

                                             Meanwhile, Aaron and his boyfriend, Eric, found another group and was bringing them in. Among them were the people you were praying to see again. Aedion, Gavriel, Aelin, Lorcan, and Rowan.

                                             You and Spencer left the church, and returned. You saw that Aaron had returned from searching for others to join the community, your gun clattered to the ground when you saw them.

                                              Spencer watched you tackle a man with golden hair and turquoise eyes and embracing others too. Jealousy roared the minute he saw you kissing a man with tawny eyes, he's always had a thing for you and now that went down the drain.

                                              Everything was okay now. Your family is back together. And you're not going to let them slip through your fingers again.

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