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So, I've come to a decision, this book is almost at 150 chapters already which is amazing to me since I started this on July 3rd, 2018 and that blew my mind. Like, holy shit, I started this book is July and now I'm reaching 150 chapters already? Anyway, back to what I was saying, I've made a decision to stop writing TOG. I will come back, though, don't worry. I will come back to write after reading KoA. I loved writing these characters, I absolutely enjoyed writing different scenarios for each and every character. I loved reading your comments whether they said you loved this chapter, you found it adorable, or sad, even some hate of a character that I wrote(Maeve in particular). I would like to make a special thank you to @bookfangirl62442 for staying with me ever since I started this book. I would never have guessed someone else to share this love of this book series like I did and I am so happy that I was able to finally talk to someone that understood what I was talking about, I first discovered @bookfangirl62442 when she started reading my first DC Comics One-Shot and yes, I read your very first comment oh ever posted, and you continued reading all of my DC Comics One-Shot books, even my third one. In my third one-shot book is where I discovered you also loved ToG and to be honest, you were actually the main reason why I wanted to start this book. So thank you for getting me to start this book and thank you for staying with it until the very end. After the 150(technically 151 since this is an a/n)th chapter I will be starting a YouTuber one-shot book if you're interested and more books after that like another Star Wars book that I've been wanting to start for a while as well. Two people have requested that I write another one because they absolutely loved the very first one that I ever wrote. I really am proud of where I am today, I started off as a thirteen-year-old girl with no idea of how to properly use grammar, indenting paragraphs, or even using paragraphs and now look at where I am now. I've learned a lot(except for grammar, I still need to work on that) and I've earned so many followers. I have over six hundred during my three years of being a member in Wattpad, and I truly do hope that someday I will be able to reach a thousand followers, a million reads on my first DC Comics One-Shot book, and on. When I say "thanks for reading" I really do mean it. Signing off for now, CT.

Throne of Glass Series One-Shots (COMPLETED|| NEW REQUESTS WILL BE IGNORED)Where stories live. Discover now