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Pairing: Rowan Whitethorn x child!reader
Warning: character death
Note: Maeve has a child shackled to her throne, realizing the child has similar abilities to Rowan, he is ordered to train her.
Requested by: no one

                                              The first thing Rowan noticed about the child is how silent she is, she hasn't said a single word since Maeve gave him the order. The second thing he noticed is how much energy she's radiating off, he can practically cut it in half and the lost energy will be immediately replaced with new energy.
                                                When they were far away from the stone castle, the first thing Rowan did was ask her to show him what she can do. She can open her palm and a small storm starts to brew there, a storm that consisted of ice, wind, and lightning. It was raw power, so raw, it can do more damage than he and Lorcan combined.
                                                  Teaching her the basics was an easy step to her, she never said anything but obeyed what Rowan ordered her to do. It's like she's used to being ordered around. Like a slave.
                                                     Each training was a success, Maeve was pleased with the results Rowan was bringing in. On the third day, Rowan and the child were climbing a mountain, it was easier for her to practice using her magic up there rather than down where she can accidentally cause damage or death.
                                                       Surprisingly, the child had good climbing skills. They were almost at the top when she slipped and Rowan caught her by the back of her shirt, he was able to see multiple scars on her back, he didn't mention it to her when they reached the top. He never mentioned it at all throughout her entire training.
                                                         By the time Rowan believed she was ready to completely please Maeve, Rowan realized why she never spoke to anyone. Someone cut her tongue off. Who would be so cruel to cut it? What did she do to deserve that?
                                                          Another thing Rowan realized is that she must have been a slave, no other Fae would be treated like this in Wendlyn, not unless she came from Adarlan. How did Maeve get her hands on the child will forever be a mystery to Rowan.
                                                            The end result certainly pleased Maeve, but the shackle remained. She remained by Maeve's side with Fenrys and Connall. It wasn't fair for a child to be shackled like this, she's already been locked up once and now she's locked up once again.
                                                              During all the times Rowan had seen her after all that training, Rowan has never seen her smile, she's usually curled up in a tight ball, rocking back and forth by Maeve's side. Gavriel had recently returned, he had brought a small necklace back for her, that was the only time she ever smiled, even if it was just for a few seconds.
                                                                Maeve finally put her on the battlefield, she was barely six and she was put into battle. She barely made it through her first day of battle, it scarred her, so many males have gone down, even if Rowan was there to help. When the second day arrived, someone fired an arrow at Rowan, but it never hit him. It went clean through the child's chest.
                                                                  Through rage, the battle was won. Rowan cradled the dying child in his arms, with a shaky hand, she reached up to write something on Rowan's unmarked cheek. 'Y...........N. M.....y...... n.......a........m.....e.......i........s.......Y......N' and that is all she had written before her chest stopped moving.
                                                                   Rowan took the necklace that laid limply on her blood-soaked chest, he closed his fists around it, making an oath to himself that he will he always remember her and will remind himself of how he let a little girl die because of him.
                                                                     Rowan buried her next to Lyria, he may not have shown it to Y/n, but he deeply cared for her. The only person who knew where she was buried other than himself was Gavriel. As the years passed by, piles of pebbles increased.
                                                                      Until, one day, Rowan will be able to see her one last time before he leaves forever. His new queen had gone with him to visit the girl he so deeply cared for and stayed with him until he was ready to leave. He told Y/n how things have changed, how much she would have loved to meet his new queen, and how much he was going to miss visiting you.
                                                                       Then, they finally left. Pebbles have been arranged beautifully with the necklace placed in the middle of the pebbles.

I'm giving you more reason to hate Maeve. She deserves hate!

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