The Power of Healing

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Pairing: Gavriel x reader
Warning: none
Note: Gavriel helps a fallen kingdom and meets a very young Fae female healer there.
Requested by: no one

                                              Mostly children and women were alive, a handful of soldiers and hundreds of injured soldiers. The female he had just met set him to work on the soldiers, she claims he will only scare the children.

                                              Some wounds were so bad he had no choice but to amputate with the help of several other soldiers. The female was distracting the children by softly singing to them, using a guitar.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree?
They strung up a man
They say who murdered three.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree.

                                                The children started to gather around her, some swaying to the beat the guitar gave off.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree?
Where dead man called out
For his love to flee.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree.

                                              A wounded soldier started to hum along, several more started to pitch in with singing softly along with the healer.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree?
Where I told you to run,
So we'd both be free.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree.

                                               Gavriel finished tending to the last soldier then focused on the rest of the females.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree?
Wear a necklace of rope,

Side by side with me.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree.

                                             The children started to sing with them, loud and proud.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree?
Where I told you to run,
So we'd both be free.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree.

                                              A soldier took over the guitar while the healer started to tend to the injured children without stopping the singing.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree?
They strung up a man
They say who murdered three.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree.

                                             Eventually, she and Gavriel finished taking care of the wounds, the singing still going on.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree?
Where dead man called out
For his love to flee.
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree.

                                              Gavriel watched the healer as she sang the last note. The children clambered over to give the healer a tight hug, then returned to their mothers and fathers. The ones that lost theirs stayed with her.

                                             "We'll move at first light," the healer told him, Gavriel looked down at her. "It's not safe for us to stay here any longer. The enemy can still find us and I'm not taking any chances," she explained. "Thank you, for coming all the way out here to help us. May Silba bless you."

                                              The next day, Gavriel watched the healer help everyone mount on whatever horse is left. Some had to either double or triple up. The remaining soldiers that can walk or run will be going on foot, there was a smaller kingdom, not far from where they are.

                                               All Gavriel could do was watch, wish them luck, and pray that they get there safely.

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