Love Triangle

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I really wanna surprise people so I ain't saying anything.

                                    "It's quite obvious Y/n likes me more," Dorian boasts. "And that's where you're wrong, Dorian," Chaol said. "Really? The only thing you do is constantly worry about her and try to keep her from doing anything dangerous!" Dorian said. "At least I want to keep her safe unlike you," Chaol fires back.
                                     This argument has been going on for several weeks, causing the friendship between Dorian and Chaol to strain a bit. It was Dorian who had told Chaol that Dorian is planning on asking Y/n to join him for dinner and Chaol immediately said no to that.
                                        Whenever Y/n was around, they would try to please her as much as they can. At the moment though, Y/n was away to help her lord father. "I've known her since we were children, Dorian," said Chaol. "So what? I know her too!" Dorian protested. "Alright, what's her favorite color?"
                                         Ress, unfortunately, tumbled into the argument. "Um, Captain?" Ress said. "Not now, Ress," Chaol cut him off. "But-" Ress tried again only to be cut off again.
                                          He sighs and decides to wait it out. He heard soft footsteps coming and looked up to see Lady Y/n walking over to them. Dorian was next to notice. "Lady Y/n!" He grinned at her. "Milady," Chaol curtsied. "The Crowned Prince and I have a question for you," the lady tilted her head to the side. "Go on." She said. "If one of us were to court you, who would you choose?"
                                           Y/n tilted her head to the side in confusion then her eyes went to Ress and she grinned, she placed her delicate hands on both the prince and the captain on their shoulders and pushed them to the side. "Ress!"
                                            Ress wrapped his arms around the lady's waist, giving her a soft kiss while Chaol and Dorian gaped. "I've tried telling you but you wouldn't listen to me, Captain and Majesty."
                                             In the background, Celaena was laughing so hard she fell over and continued laughing as the captain and Crowned Prince walked off, faces equally red. "How embarrassing." "Agreed."

I was hoping to make this longer but oh well, I'm quite pleased how this turned out anyway.

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