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Pairing: Rowan Whitethorn x child!reader
Warning: none
Note: part 2 of Mute
Requested by: no one

                                                Rowan rubbed his eyes for the umpteenth time, he's seeing things again. Well, someone rather than thing. Aelin can't see her, Aedion can't her, Lysandra can't see her, no one but himself can see her.

                                                 She's normally sitting, watching him, occasionally waving hi to him. She still wore the necklace Gavriel had given to her. Rowan didn't understand how he sees her, all he knows is that he's not going crazy over this.
                                                   Aelin was getting worried about Rowan, she knew something was up but couldn't tell what. He keeps staring at one place, all Aelin sees is just empty air. All of a sudden, Rowan was moving. "Rowan!" Aelin shouts, quickly following him.

                                                    Aelin stopped when she noticed Rowan had stopped as well. He was staring at something again, she approached him and placed her hand on his forearm. "Rowan, what's-" Aelin starts then stops when she finally sees what Rowan has been staring at.

                                                     It was a little Fae girl dancing on water, well, a lake actually. She was graceful, light, and elegant as she did. She didn't notice Aelin and Rowan yet, and Rowan chose not to say her name, he was afraid she would disappear if he did. All he wanted to do, was just stare at her and never forget who she was.

                                                     Unlike how Rowan had seen her before, she wore a white dress, she wasn't covered in blood like how he's been seeing her from before, she was clean. Completely clean.

                                                       Eventually, she looked up, even while dancing. Her eyes landed on Rowan, she stopped dancing. She slowly walked over to him and Aelin. She offered him her hand, he took it. She tugged him to kneel so he did, he was at her height now.

                                                         She tugged her necklace off, she placed it in his open palm, then threw her arms around his neck, squeezing him tightly. Rowan wrapped his arms around her and squeezed back. "Thank you for freeing me," Rowan heard a soft whisper saying. "I'm free now. You don't have to worry anymore, just remember is all I'm asking for," the voice continued to whisper. "Goodbye."

                                                          Then, she shattered like glass hitting the floor, Rowan lunged to hold onto her longer but felt nothing but air. The necklace was still in his hand, Aelin dropped to her knees and held him close. "I never got the chance to tell her how much I regretted letting her die." Rowan murmured, staring at the necklace. "I'm sure she knows, Rowan," Aelin said. "I'm sure she knows."

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