Thunder Storms

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Pairing: Rowaelin x daughter!reader
Warning: none
Note: some physical features will be given
Requested by: no one

                                               Aelin read a book while seated in an armchair with a roaring fire in the fireplace with her daughter by her feet, coloring a picture for Rowan once he returned. Her silver-golden hair was braided back in the traditional Terresan way, around her neck was the Amulet of Orynth.

                                                Outside, it was raining heavily, Aelin knew her young daughter wanted nothing more than her father's safe return back home and, of course, his hugs.

                                                 Thunderstruck outside making the young girl jump back a little. "Scared, darling?" Aelin cooed, placing her book down and the young girl nodded. "Come here, Y/n," the girl scrambled up to the armchair, picture forgotten.

                                                  Aelin draped a blanket over her and Y/n, Y/n snuggled deeper into her mother's side. "When's Daddy coming home?" Y/n asked, looking up at her mother with her pine-green eyes with gold aligning the pupil. "I don't know," Aelin replied. "The last letter he sent said he's almost home but with all the rain he might be late," said Aelin making Y/n pout. Such a Daddy's Princess.

                                                   Aelin hummed some songs she knew while playing with her daughter's hair. Y/n stared at the fireplace, watching the flames dance around and take form because of her mother's magic. The shapes finally took form, it showed a long-haired male, a hawk, a lion, two wolves, and an avian. Her mother's cadre.

                                                    Aelin felt Y/n relaxing a bit, she looked down to see Y/n falling asleep slowly. Aelin heard the door opening, Aelin shot up with a dagger in her hand and she heard a deep chuckle. "Some things never change," Rowan chuckled. "Rowan," Aelin breathed, she carefully readjusted her grip on Y/n. "I'm sorry it took me so long to get back," Rowan murmured, moving to kiss Aelin then kiss Y/n's forehead. "She just fell asleep," Aelin told him as Rowan gently took her from his mate. "Just fell asleep, mhm? Couldn't stay up just a little longer to see me come home, huh? Shame on you, Y/n."

                                                    The next day, it was still raining outside meaning Y/n couldn't go out and see the lively market outside the castle. Y/n finished her picture and showed it to Rowan making the male smile at his daughter's creativity.

                                                      At the moment, Rowan sat on a couch with Aelin curled up next to him, reading a book and their daughter on the floor, drawing another picture. Y/n looked up at the window, pouting when the rain started falling harder. Thunderstruck again, this time much closer and Y/n shrieked a bit. She scrambled up to her father's lap and stayed there. Rowan chuckled, kissing the top of her head, Aelin shut her book and tugged a blanket closer to Y/n only for the child to pull it over her head.

                                                       "Nothing to be afraid of, Y/n," Rowan told his daughter. "The rain and thunder are only here to say "hi" to you," she poked her head up from underneath the blanket. "Really?" She curiously asked. "Yes, darling. The rain and thunder are only here to say "hello" to you. You remember your father's elemental powers are, don't you?" Aelin hummed, Y/n nodded. "Then there's nothing for you to be afraid of. Someday, you'll be able to control those same powers when you're older along with mine."

                                                        Rowan tucked Y/n into bed, kissing her forehead. "Daddy, will I really learn how to control it?" Y/n asked, Rowan brushed some strands of hair away from her face. "You will, once you're a bit older," Rowan replied. "For now, all you need to learn is proper princess manners, okay?" She nodded eagerly and Rowan kissed the top of her head. "Goodnight, my darling."

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