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Pairing: Rowan Whitethorn x reader
Warning: none
Note: I feel so bad for not writing Dorian in such a long time and I really want to write something about Lysandra too.
Requested by: no one

                                               Rowan heard a splash making him wake up from his sleep, he sat up from where he laid and looked around to see the rest of his men asleep as well but someone was missing. The female(and the only female) healer was gone. He picked up her scent and followed it, he found her washing in a clear lake. Rowan's cheeks flushed a bit. Why? She was naked, completely naked.

                                               Now, Rowan's seen female nudity before but this was different, she never asked him to see her naked. "You do realize I can sense you staring?" She told him, turning to face him making his cheeks flush a bit more. "My, my. General Rowan Whitethorn blushing?" She laughed lightly. "What makes you think sneaking away from camp was a good idea?" Rowan snarled as his answer. "Why, General," she said, placing a hand over her heart. "If I don't keep myself clean then I might just end up making one of your men die because of my poor sanitary."

                                              Rowan refused to stare any longer so he looked away when she pulled herself onto the surface. "Y/n," he muttered. "What?" She replied. "You've bedded more females than any other male that I know. What is that makes you blush, General? Is it because you're tempted to bed me now? To make every male in your army know that I am only yours to touch?" She asked, she now stood in front of him, still naked. "You're quite bold to stand like this," Rowan growled. "So I've been told," Y/n cheekily said. "You still haven't answered my question, General. Why do you blush when you've bedded so many other females?"

                                                As much as Rowan hates to admit it but that is an excellent question. Why does he blush when he saw Y/n naked? Yes, Y/n is correct, he has bedded many females yet he blushed when he saw her naked. Why? Why did he blush?

                                               He examined Y/n as she dove back into the lake, he's been noting himself that his behavior has been........odd. Especially around her. He hasn't felt this ever since.........ever since Lyria died. Without him even realizing, his clothes joined hers.

                                                Y/n heard a splash from behind, she felt a powerful chest pressing against her back and a puff of hot breath against her neck. "I see you decided to join me, General," said Y/n turning to face him only to regret it making Rowan chuckle deeply. "Ever seen a male naked before?" He teased, Y/n grabbed onto a tree root so she wouldn't go under. "I have," she replied. "When I'm healing males, of course," she quickly adds, Rowan moved forward and she swims back until her back pressed against the soft mud that created the shape of the lake. "Oh?" He replied, his hands grabbing the stronger roots of the tree. "You seem nervous," said Rowan. "You're not making things any better," she pointed out. "Where did your confidence go, Y/n? Did it all go downhill?" Rowan murmured into her ear. Too close. He's too close. "Yes," she whispered, his lips barely brushed against her juncture between her neck and shoulder. Gods, help her. "Good. Perhaps this is a lesson you will never forget."

                                                  The next thing Y/n knew, Rowan was out of the lake and fully dressed. Y/n's breathing returned to normal, she got out as well and got dressed and returned to the camp. The next few days, Rowan has been teasing her nonstop. If he keeps this up then Y/n might end up bursting. After a brutal fight, Rowan and his men were returning to Doranelle along with Y/n. They stopped where the lake was when Y/n reached the lake she found Rowan waiting for her. To make matters worse, he was shirtless.

                                                 "You're rather taking this seriously," Y/n told him. "You did start it," Rowan points out. "I didn't expect you to continue," Y/n admits, backing up when Rowan started to back her up towards to a tree. "Now you know to never do such a thing to me," Rowan murmured into her ear. "I do," Y/n replied. "You do what?" Rowan growled. "I do, sir," Y/n whispered. "Good," Rowan murmured then leaned over to kiss the corner of her lips. "Until next time, Y/n." Then he was gone.

I think I let my subconscious take over. Like, holy crap I did not expect this. Reminds me of Dorian when he was teasing Manon in EoS.

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