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    A beam of light shines through the gap and hits one of the round white eggs.

    Fang Ru's body was squeezed into a ball, and he was a little uncomfortable. His thinking was still a little chaotic, but he instinctively wanted to break free from this layer of restraint.

    At this time, he seemed to have another self controlling his body, and he had the perception and touch of this body.

    In addition to feeling crowded, the second sense is the intensity of the light. Even if he didn't open his eyes, he knew that it should be sunlight, because his body felt the heat under the light.

    His body moved vigorously, stretching it to the surroundings, and some cracks appeared in the eggshell that surrounded him.

    After Fang Ru's head worked hard, he finally got out of the 'box'.

    Before he was fully awake, a sense of hunger came over him. Instinctively drawn, he moved his tongue and began to lick the eggshells that would wrap him tightly around him. He was pulled like a marionette to complete this series of actions.

    His eyes can already see things, but they are completely nearsighted. He can only faintly see the outlines of some scenes in the distance, and he can only see the white eggshell that he swallowed just now. .

    Pieces of broken eggshells were swallowed by him, and his movements were slow. It took about an hour for the eggshells to be gradually wiped out under his nibbling.

    After eating the few eggshells, his chaotic brain has a little thinking ability, and he clearly understands that his state just now is not right, no one would eat eggshells, and more importantly, he still remembers that he is Came out of that eggshell.

    Before he had time to think about the ins and outs, a soft thing touched his face.

    Fang Ru flinched, turned his gaze, and saw a giant snail head about the same size approaching him, rubbing against his face just now, Fang Ru was so frightened that his whole body went limp ! I wanted to take a few steps back, but my body didn't listen.


    Fang Ru wanted to shout out, but found that his throat seemed to be choked by his hands.

    After some frightening, the brain that was already a little sober was speeded up.

    The first reaction is: run away!

    It's a pity that the body doesn't seem to obey his command, and he couldn't find his limbs for a while.

    He looked at his feet suspiciously, and suddenly felt a little dizzy. Where did he have any feet? The lower half was a part of some kind of mollusc creature! This part is also inexplicably familiar.

    He raised his head again and looked at the big snail in front of him. It had a jade-white body and a jade-white shell. There was a purple lightning pattern on the snail shell, extending from the top to the bottom of the snail shell. 

   Look at the appearance of the lower part of myself, it is very similar to the snail in front of me. As for how tall he is, Fang Ru couldn't see his whole face, and couldn't guess his real appearance now.  

    A feeling of blessing to the soul, I am a snail similar to the other party.

     At that time, the behavior of breaking shells and eating eggshells was as if he was still in the pool, and his actions were completely out of his own control, but driven by the snail's instinct.

    All of this made Fang Ru a little unacceptable, and some strange thoughts flashed through his mind, for example, is the pool some kind of mysterious place?

    Or is it simply an experimental base for aliens?

     Or maybe some kind of metamorphic scientist who likes to use humans as experimental products?

     Of course, now he wished that he was just having a dream, thinking in a worse direction, that he might have some kind of mental illness, thinking that he was a snail, and the same kind he saw around him were also snails. The reality really made him unwilling to face it! On the one hand, he knows that he is a snail, and on the other hand, he remembers that he is a human being. He even has some doubts whether the memory of being a human being is some delusion of his own. 

     At this moment, a tingling pain came from his cheek, pulling his thoughts back to reality.

    The pain just now was the fat snail in front of him scratching his face with his tongue.

    It's so painful, it's definitely not a dream.

    The snail that was close to him actually wanted to eat him!

    After he dodged, the snail, which looked very fat, came over and planned to take a second bite. This time Fang Ru finally came to his senses, and shrank completely back into the shell.

    The darkness inside the snail shell made him a little bit at a loss. He clearly remembered that he was sucked into the pool, and his father jumped into the water to save himself, but he knew from the distance between the two that his father Failed to save himself. 

      He didn't react in the snail shell for a long time, the pain just now let him know that everything in front of him is reality, and now he is in the form of a snail, is it a resurrection of the dead? Into the body of a snail?  

     If he really came back from the corpse, where is he now? Still on the original island, what happened to his father and teammates in the end?

    Thinking of his father, he wanted to confirm it, but now that he looks like this, how can he confirm it? After Fang Ru flinched for a while, he felt the snail shell tremble.

    A bad premonition forced him to stick his head out, and the fat snail that was going to eat him just now was gnawing on his snail shell!

    The snail shell is definitely a protective umbrella for his body. Fang Ru couldn't let the other party gnaw on his shell. He quickly got out of the shell, squirmed a bit, and avoided the other party's bite.   

    It's a pity that he defended too late, and a chip was worn off the edge of his snail shell, which almost detracted from the beauty of his snail.    

    All of a sudden, I lost all thoughts, and the most important thing is to save my life first. 

    Seeing that the other party hadn't stopped, he came up again and wanted to take another bite. Fang Ru walked away again, trying to reason with the other party to see if he could alleviate the crisis, but found that he could not communicate with the other party. I can neither speak out nor know what body language to use to express myself. I can only look anxiously.    

     This is blinding his social skills for nothing!    

    Sure enough, let's run away first, he retreated a certain distance.

    He knew that some big snails would eat small snails, but the snail in front of him was obviously a small snail, and he already wanted to taste the taste of his companions at such a young age. He must be a foodie in the future, Fang Ru thought angrily.

    Fang Ru moved his stomach and legs, and after getting used to wriggling his stomach and feet, he left in one direction, but the other party seemed to recognize him and crawled over behind him.

    Fang Ru is still a little unfamiliar with the current method of action. Due to the instinct of human beings in the past, it actually slowed down his action speed. Seeing the other party getting closer and closer, he inevitably felt a little flustered.

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