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    In daylight, this flickering blue halo appears very faint.

    This reminded Fang Ru of a sentence: Weak and helpless.

    "Is that a snow ball flower? Can it shine during the day?" Xiaopang tilted his tentacles, a little puzzled.

    At this time, the blue-light snowball had already flown in front of them, Fang Ru stretched out his hand, and the blue-light snowball floating in mid-air landed on his hand, and it was suddenly icy cold.

    The snowballs with a blue halo are larger in size, almost twice the size of ordinary snowballs.

    It stayed in Fang Ru's hand for a while, and had no intention of continuing to float away. Afterwards, a pair of big eyes opened, and they met Fang Ru's gaze.

    Not only the size of the body, but also the black bean eyes are a big circle.

    The lightning snails came to Fang Ru's side, and Xiaosan said bluntly: "This Xuetuanhua is so fat, does it eat too much like big brother?" Xiaopang taught earnestly: "Why do you say it in front of

    it? What about bad words, what if someone with a bad temper hits you?" The most important thing is of course that I don't eat much at all, it's just slander.

    Xiaosan looked at Xuetuanhua, then looked at Xiaopang, and thought, maybe fat people don't like being called fat. He changed his tone: "I understand, big brother, he just grows stronger like you."

    Xiaopang then nodded his snail's head, agreeing with this statement.

    Xuetuanhua saw that she was lying in Fang Ru's hands, but Fang Ru didn't react at all, she was a little unhappy, so she lay flat on the beach into a cake shape, and stretched out herself like a chrysanthemum petal The part of it autonomously absorbed the energy from Fang Ru's body.

    After that, the blue light on its body became brighter and brighter, and a white smoke rose in front of Fang Ru. This situation is too familiar, but he is about to see some unrealistic scenes...


    The giant black beast opened its huge eyes, rolled its eyeballs twice, barely woke up from its deep sleep, and the ground trembled slightly.

    It was pitch black all around, and it was originally the most suitable environment for a long sleep, but the movement outside was too great for him to ignore.

    In this space, there are no other creatures at all. What made such a big commotion? Those blue eyes gradually narrowed in the darkness, forming two cat pupils the size of marbles.

    The faint blue light quickly disappeared into the darkness.


    The fog cleared, and Fang Ru presented a different snow scene in front of his eyes.

    The state Fang Ru is in now is very strange, he seems to have switched bodies with something.

    Consciousness is a little blurred, and some emotions and thoughts that don't belong to me are encroaching on my mind.

    Soon, he had some emotions and memories that did not belong to him.

    A snowball flower born with the wind and snow, died when the ice and snow melted.

    A season is a very short process for human beings, and a season is their fateful life for snowballs.

    However, this does not mean the end.

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