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    Due to the difficult life of the sparrow, the sparrow decided to explore the way ahead and stay away from these dangerous elements.

    When Fang Ru saw the black cat coming back, he was a little surprised: "Brother Mao, are you back?"

    The black cat gave a childish "ow" in response.

    Fang Ru felt itchy in his heart when he heard the voice, and wanted to touch it, but thinking of his actions last time, the black cat ran away for several days, so he held back in the end.

    The black cat seemed a little tired and fell asleep on the snail shell in a small ball.

    Fang Ru didn't bother him anymore, and continued walking in the direction given by the sparrow.

    The snail cubs were familiar with the black cat a lot, and they didn't show too much curiosity.

    The group of sparrows stood neatly in rows on the air bubble shelf, and when they saw the black cat, they all tensed up. If the sparrows were smarter, they would probably complain about the sparrows. The cowardly act of oiling the soles of your feet!

    Fortunately, the black cat lay down and fell asleep not long after, and the sparrows regained their chirping temperament.

    Because the red leaves bear fruit in advance, they don't look very energetic. After taking root in the soil, they begin to go dormant, and they don't know anything about the situation of the black cat.

    After the sparrow went out for a stroll, he came back to report the situation.

    "I saw two tribes of differentiated creatures ahead, and they seem to be planning to leave together." The sparrow reported what he saw to Fang Ru.

    Fang Ru was a little surprised: "Will these tribes still be together?"

    Sparrow: "This is what I saw, but I have never seen two tribes together before."

    Fang Ru didn't understand it for a while . For the time being, I don’t intend to make wild guesses about the situation, and send a message to the sparrows: “As long as they are going to the center of the island, we just need to keep up.”

    The place where Fang Ru and the others live is very close to the sea, which can be said to be one of the most fringe areas, and the creatures in the fringe areas may have already begun to migrate to a safe place as soon as they found an abnormality, and they could not migrate or relocate. Creatures that are too slow can only be forced to stay at that time, and it is unknown what the ultimate survival rate will be. 

   Just like the lightning snail, the lightning snail that has not evolved teleportation skills will move very slowly. When the seawater is submerged, it is difficult for the snail to adapt due to the high concentration of seawater. I don't know if those snails will all die like this.

     The sparrows went back and forth between the two sides from time to time, and with the two tribes opening the way ahead, the pressure on Fang Ru and the others was much less, and the sparrows also figured out part of the reason why the two races were combined.

     The strength of these two tribes is not strong. One of them is the black turtle. Their movement speed is not fast but it is faster than the snails. Their advantage lies in defense. The barriers supported by skills can protect themselves and their companions from harm to a certain extent.

     The horns of the sika deer have the ability to attack, but there are many powerful creatures on this island, and their claws and teeth can pierce their skin.

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